Date: 22/08/97 --- Daffodil Day (For Cancer Research)
Time: 0800hours

More In A Day

Good Morning All! I'm up early, bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning. I have lots to do, and so few hours to do them in. Firstly, I have now been excepted to OPEN PAGES webring, so to all of you who join me on my quest to find Soosh, Welcome!

Last night I snuck into my hubby's Uni, found a tutorial room with a flatbed scanner, and I spent 2 hours, scanning photos onto floppy discs. The best way to check out the pics, will probably be from the Archive page. I will go back and reillustrate the previous journal entries, where applicable, but it will still be easier to see the pics from the Archive. The pics may take time to download, so make yourself a nice cup of tea, coffee or whatever you prefer to drink and RELAX! Oh, It will be a day or two before I have them all up, so don't spam me (not that you nice people out there would!).

Yes, I will have some animal pics even though they are mega corny, but since I tell you all about them, I think its only fair you should meet the little fur balls! I just came back from my favourite room (t.p.), but whilst I was there something ouchful happened. I was playing my gameboy (another must for regular room visitors), when my 'Amy' decided to use my knee as a tree trunk. As she jumped on me, using my knee as anchor, she left 3 red (2 bleeding) stripes of about 10cm in length, on my knee. OUCH! She got the message really quickly, scurrying away before I could throw a roll of t.p. at her. Needless to say, I didn't get the top score of the game I was playing.

Last night (after the Uni thing) I went to my pair-of-ant's place, and I shared a stuffed cabbage leaf and a beef rissole with my dad, over a game of Backgammon. I thought I was winning (it was a double game), when he popped me and I couldn't roll the blasted numbers to get back on. He won! So I played another game, he won that too. Dad is the only one who can play a game against me and win (not always mind you). I don't know how he does it, but he has an edge over me. He jinxs me! I asked him to by me a Tattslotto ticket (I would pay him back) because he's so lucky (he has the luck of the Irish, even though he isn't Irish) the jackpots worth 12 million dollars this week (Yeah, I wish!). I put a $50 bet (win and place) on a horse (shh! hubby doesn't know) I usually wait till Melbourne Cup Day, but I had a whimmsical idea that I wanted to place a bet. My horse (actually it's my friends horse) ran 4th, missed out by a head. So I've learnt my lesson, don't rub it in!!!

This may be trivial to some but I have thought about this for a couple of days now. Should I start to wear make-up? I don't know if this is a conscious desicion for most women but for me, as I have never worn the stuff (except for special occasions) I am unsure what to do. I am 25 now. I was lucky to be blessed with a good complexion. As I go to the gym, I can see a spot (zit) come up now and then, and I know it is from the toxin's exiting the body, but should I cover them up? What would most women do? My grandmother has only ever worn lipstick, mum wears mascara and lipstick, my sister, well she does it so gracefully you can't tell (but she wears powder and mascara). I have always been hopeless at putting on make-up, so I would get my friends to do it (you know, it's a sort of girlie thing to do!). My hubby likes me 'au natural', but says that when I put on makeup, I do a great job because it is unnoticable (although, when my brother sees me, he asks who's punched me). No kidding, this is a real trivial dilemma for me, so don't laugh, I already feel pathetic as it is!

Is make-up another mask to conceal the real identity of a women? If so, are women aware of this psychological aspect of make-up? All the pics of me you see, are me without makeup, perhaps that is why I feel the need now to wear make-up, perhaps I am feeling exposed and raw? Make-up is made with a number of metallic compounds, that's why I've avoided wearing it for so long. They can cause metal poisonning of the skin (did you know that?), just read the ingrediants and you will see I'm right. Have you ever wondered why some women who work for various make- up companies are heavily made up? I think it is because they have poisoned their skin to such an extreme, where they need more to make themselves look better. I agree with Naomi Wolf, that there is a beauty myth. It is definitely wrapped tight into the cosmetic industry.

Now that I think about it, I am more against wearing makeup (except for special occasions!!!). Mascara, isn't a problem by the way, because eyelashes renew themselves every 8 weeks, so there is no need to throw them away. I actually like mascara, but I can't contort myself into putting it on with my left hand (unlike everyone else in my imediate family, except mother, all are originally left handed, but my dad taught himself my brothers and sister to be ambidextrous. Boy! Was I jealous, but now I'm over it). So I put mascara on, using my right hand to apply it to my left eye and I turn into a GLUG MONSTER! Can I ever win?

I'm going off to the gym now, more zits for me! I might even go shopping if I feel like it (usually never!). Bye for now....



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