Date: 21st December 1997
Time: 21:15 hours

Magical Mystery Tour

Tuesday, I went into a very special bookstore. Located in the backstreets of St.Kilda, with scarce carparking available. I entered the store and enquired after what I was looking for. The music playing in the background was lovely and soft, but the books...well the books screamed out to me.."Pick me, pick me". It was as if they were all dancing around me, with their garish covers and provocative titles, scrambling and competing for my attention. It was wonderful. I felt alive and childish. I discovered a new love. Browsing throught the multitude of covers and blurbs, my eyes halted inquisitively on one book in particular. I hesitated to pick it up, as if it was a burning ember.
I needed help. I asked the store manager, who happened to be my older brother's school mate and karate partner. After 10 minutes he came up to me. I explained to him what I was after, he looked at me with astonishment. Then he began to chew up his words for me, as if he was still talking to his friend's little sister. He asked me a question. I answered. Shocked that I understood his deeper message, he looked at me and proceeded to talk with newfound respect. Comical!
Basically, I knew the book I had chosen was opening an entire new pathway for me, once entered, the thirst for the information gets stronger and stronger, yet the quenching of the thirst is not always forthcoming. Frustrating. Yet I continue to search for back ways into acquiring this information, by asking him for other books that will lead me back to this one with a greater understanding. He said that there was no way for me to get more information. "One must have a guide, without one and it's all just words on a page". I understood. Letters chained to words, words linked into sentences..all very technical and correct, yet what sets one sentence apart from another? Transmission. The way the meaning, or the implication of the sentence, how it comes across to the reader. The author attempts to connect with the reader, using the power of word manipulation.
I bought one book, a simple book. A book of songs. I will try and play them on my guitar (this should be fun!). I will try to learn a new tactic so that I am able to return to the bookstore and approach that book again without hesitation. This will be a long, long, long road, yet funnily enough, the book I selected was merely the introduction to a subject. The joke is on me.

Wednesday, I started training for the job. The women training me, spoke in a monotonous, slow, soft voice...hum hum hum hum...slowly my eyelids drifted downwards in starved slumber. Forcing myself to keep awake in the middle of the afternoon, was almost hysterical. I, who can often toss and turn in my bed for hours and hours, prior to sleeping, could be lulled to sleep by a stranger! I found in her, a cure to insomnia. If only I could bottle her and sell her, or better yet, just take her home with me and have her read to me each night. I do like her, just don't think she is condusive to a productive day for me.

Thursday my first real working day. The girl on one side has an earing in her mouth. The girl on the other side, has an earing in her belly button. I looked at the girl with the one in her tongue. She wass playing with it. Rolling the earing around as if it was a smartie (candy covered choc. lolly). Repulsed, I looked to the other side. The girl was stretching. Her belly button, earing and all, exposed in all its glory. Much better I thought. This actually looks neat! So now I have seen the environment I work in. I can get back to work without further distraction. Something else which happened. I was coming out of the Ladies room as my sister was walking towards it. We both laughed. Funny how we both were in unison. We chatted briefly then went on our merry ways. My sis has told everyone (family) how nice it is to be working in the same place as I am. I must agree. I looked over at her in the morning, she was engrossed in something, but I smiled at how cute she looked with creases on her forehead in utter consternation, as the 'drone' women was explaining something to her, whilst she too, was trying to keep her eyes open.

After work I went to my par-of-ants place. Mum went out with sis, so I had a D&M (deep and meaningful conversation) with my father. I felt at ease. Finally, I didn't have to hide my feelings. I told him what I don't like about myself and why I didn't like them. Instead of disagreeing with me, he listened without judgement and heard me out. So often I would bite my tongue, repressing what I really wanted to say, in case I hurt his (or mum's) feelings. They take it as a personal attack if we complain about ourselves in anyway, frustrated, as if they didn't know how to give any more or how they could be better parents. It used to make me so upset, because they gave so much, I felt how can I possibly be so petty. I explained how much I appreciated what they did (and do) for me, but I also said how I needed to stand alone. I always know they will be there to catch me, but I still needed to take those steps. As always, my talks with my father ends up with some roarous, humourous banter, which renders us both on the floor, giggling in hysterics. We both felt good. Humour is always a salve to difficult or hard circumstances.

Friday, we went away for the weekend, courtesy of my parents, who's boundless generosity never ceases to amaze me. They stayed at our house over Fri and Sat night (and restocked the fridge, until the fridge groaned with indigestion). Hubby driving up towards Bright was a bundle of nervous energy. "Where is that rattle coming from? Can you hear that rattle?" he asked. Yes, the rattle was coming from there. He fixed that rattle. "Now I can hear the rattle at the back", he exclaimed. I stared out the window at the orchards and vignerons we were passing. I thought of a way to distract him.

It was a nice stretch of road, not another car for 50 metres either way, despite the occasional semi-trailer, who had the vantage point of height. So here I am distracting my husband. Eye spy with my little eye (well not really this game)! Up ahead, no sooner had I finished one distraction, when the police pulled him over, for another. Hubby winds down window. "Would you like a blow?" the officer asks hubby. I gasped for air. Holding my breath. Hubby was all red in the face "Well thats what you pulled me over for isn't it?" he replies, maintaining calm. I must say here, that most officers do not ask you whether you want a blow or not. Most say "Sir, this is a random breath test, have you ever had one of these before?..." On our way again, hubby and I crack up laughing, wondering what would have happened had he pulled us over for unsafe driving, being asked to go to court and how on earth we would explain things to the judge. I guess it's just one of those lucky (that we didn't get caught) yet embarrasing (private joke) moments. Candid memories.

Bright is a beautiful Alpine area. We stayed at a motel with a spa. Very relaxing. Went fishing in the Kiewa River and then sussed out the Ovens River. Our choice of fishing spot wasn't so great as there were swimmers not 15 meters away and it was too shallow for me to trawl & reel in my lure properly. I brought a book with me. Then onto Bogong Tavern Bistro for a disgusting lunch, although the view of Mt Bogong (the heighest Alp in Victoria, next to Mt Feathertop) was glorious.

Driving home from Bright, we first went to Beechworth, to according to some 'the best bakery in Victoria'. The shop took 3 shop frontages and was two levels. From one end of the store to the other was full of all bakery delights, fresh sandwich making facilities, pies and pasties, cookies etc. Feast for our eyes! We then stopped in Milawa (Gourmet District) and bought some mustards and wines from local vignerons. We heard of a grass fire ablaze in Glenrowan, which we passed as we headed off back, via the freeway. It was windy 37*C, the type of conditions that would be disasterous for any bush area, threatened with the possibility of a fire.

We had a lovely relaxing weekend, which ended all too quickly!

Break up party on Tuesday at work. Danielle, (the girl I work with) announced "I see the X- mas tree has no more candy canes on it. I wonder who found the last candy?" Lo and behold, I was standing next to the tree, I glimpsed at the tree and found a candy cane, under an ornament. I pulled it out and said " Um..I think I did!". Everyone laughed. I blushed.

Wishing you all a Very Merry X-Mas and/or Happy Hanuka! Stay safe over the silly season!

Birthday wishes to all!

  • Picci - 17th December
  • Hubby's grandmother - 21st December (98 years old! UMVE)
  • Brother-in-law - 22nd December
  • Cousin Minchie - 22nd December
Wishing you all a very happy birthday and many happy returns of the day!

Sooshie :)


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