Date: 22nd October 1997
Time: 16:00 hours

Bits and Peices

Well hubby had a computer assignment to do this week, so I used the available time to catch up on some favourite television programs, hobbies and some music. I will tell you what caught my eye on it has been a while since I have actually glanced at my television since becoming buddy-buddy with my computer :-).

Despite getting to bed on average about 3 am every night this week, I am very pleased with this progress (from 4:30 down to -3am). I have watched Today show (American show on at the wee hours of the morning) every night so far...not completely but segments (I'm a bit of a channel flicker). They had some interesting studies on how women literarily 'scent' out their men as part of an 'anti-incest' survival mechanism. I thought the study (research undertaken) was fiddly, but the theory behind it, had/has merit. The study indicated that women were attracted to men who had completely different genetic makeup from themselves, this would probably in order to increase the gene pool (I guess). It goes into more detail, but it was interesting, so I thought I might share it with you.

Previous to this, I watched this program of 3 male and 3 female inmates in gaol discussing the type of life they had had and were living behind bars, what brought them to life of crime and there attempts to brake the cycle of crime, drug addictions, self mutilation and all the other grizzly bits and peices that make up the dark side of their existance. One of the inmates stated how he'd never received visitors, letters from family or friends, and that he was so depressed he was "Beyond Suicide". Why 'beyond'? He said how he couldn't even care to even kill himself (I liken it to a catatonic state), he believed that there was no help for him, no friends or family to care for him and that his life was over. He had reached rock bottom..."beyond suicide".

Then it flashed to women who had their children with them in prison and how difficult it was to decide when it was the 'right' time or whether it was the right thing to keep the children with them, and at what age should the children leave. All in all it was a very interesting program, which belted home to me just how lucky I have been and how blessed my upbringing was.

Just quick interruption, to say how cute my little kittens are...all walking and eating and meowking... and 'Squirrel' is on call again.

This week's episode of 'Party of Five', was full of emotion. They confronted Bailey about his drinking problem and gave him ultimatims. Personally, I feel this program is great for teenagers and adults alike, but it is very predictable...(well after all it is a soapy). The advice given is straight out of the textbooks, my friends..but enjoyable to watch despite all. I am sure alot of you out there do not agree with me, but ce la vie!

Okay, anything more miserable on tele? Oh yes... I flicked on the channel before my favourite cooking program and this women was discussing with an a funeral director about the 'new' way of organising burials. My friends...'DESIGNER COFFINS', but wait, there's more... There is the style for cremation... no less than $600 for a polished wooden case which goes over the top of a pine coffin, so when the coffin is put down the wooden case can be lifted off and be reused for another burial. Then there was the 'Do-it-yourself' coffin, which came with all the instructions (they demonstrated it on the program, and how the coffin could be hand painted). You were able to paint the coffin yourself, or it could be done professionally, but the 'basic' model was $275. Not bad huh!!! I'm sorry if this is not funny to you...I guess Death is not really a funny topic of discussion...but us nurses have seen it all, and when you see these new type of 'Yuppy' really makes light of the issue of death. I guess we laugh out of true knowing, it's a depressing thought but we take it in our stride and continue to do our job (I watched my cooking program afterwards). Funnily enough, I have 2 friends who are both undertakers (actually one is retired now). My mother worked for funeral parlour as a receptionist for 5 years.. I will stop with the morbid details...Sorry if I offended thee..(as I warned in the very begining some things I will say here..will repulse or offend some).

Milenium is over for the season, but ER is on again from tonight :). I am glad I don't watch to much television depressing..well except Sesame Street and PlaySchool (where is my rubber ducky gone?)

I must not break pattern and leave out my family tie this week... My father, who was in a HUGE rush, was missing me. So he came all the way over during his work hours, spent all of 3 minutes with me and went back home.. He made my day.. So dad..if you ever get to read this.. I LOVE YOU TO BITS!!! You are the GREATEST.

The opera is this weekend...cannot wait..but will just have too. I'll let you know about it next week. Have to run now...

Chins up, keep smiling (hehehe)..



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