Some Poetry That Catches My Fancy

O Ma

Have you lost her?
Frightened Her away with your doubts,
your guilt, your stores of inadequacies?

Oh, but She is above and beneath all of that.
She will not so easily trade places
with cultural morality.
She just retires to that place behind the heart
where you, busy with a thousand
distractions, forget to look.

You go on forgetting, mistaking mere external
reflections for Her grace,
Until darkness finally overcomes you.
And you cry out.

She is there. She hears.
She is offering her light.

Do not be afraid.
Take it.
You will find what you seek:

Love is in the meeting of darkness and light.

By Brenda Dobia

This Poetry page will be updated at times..When something catches my attention, I will post it up on this page.


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