Date: 26th August 1997
Time: 1320hours


This is the second day which I have tried to log on to the internet, but the DNS server was down. I am waiting patiently !

Latest Happenings: My Grandmother (Boobie) is in hospital (today) having a knee replacement under a epidural anaesthetic. I just phoned her to wish her success. She seemed in good spirits. I've just found out that she has gallstones (she had an ultrasound on the weekend after spewing up all of Friday). I don't know if she can withstand another general anaesthetic, to remove the gallbladder. She's had so much done to her already...

I'm sure she will be okay though, but I think that lasering the stone would be better than removing it.

A few hours have passed and she's now had the knee surgery. I thought my mum would be absolutely exhausted from the whole ordeal so I invited my parents over for dinner. They came at 21:00hours. My dad was so tired he fell asleep on the couch, despite my husband's attemp to wake him with a recital of Beethoven's Appassionata. I introduced my mum to the internet, and the types of things it could do. I think she liked what she saw. Want to know what I made for dinner? Okay, here goes.

Chicken and Cashew Nuts



Approximately 15 minutes on medium heat (after wok is heated up with the oil, turn it down to a medium heat)


Place the oil into a wok and wait till the wok is hot (high heat). Turn the heat to medium, and add the cashews and fry them until caramel brown in colour, once brown put them into a seperate bowl.
Now fry up the spring onions. Put them into the bowl with the cashews, to be added later, towards the end of cooking. Do the same with the baby sweet corn.
Now place the chicken into the wok and toss until all chicken pieces are no longer pink in colour. Now add the honey and let it coat the chicken (too much honey will cause it to be sweet - but if thats what you like, go for it!).
Add the Oyster Sauce (I use a vegitarian, mushroom based sauce) and make sure it you toss the chicken well and evenly.
Once the chicken is browned (caramelised) add in the cashews and the spring onions, give a quick toss and then turn off the wok and let the heat of the wok finish the cooking process, in the mean time get some bowls of cocunut rice ready.
Put the chicken and cashews (baby sweet corn is optional) now, on top of the rice, add and optional sprig of parsley on top and serve.


2-4 people depending on appitites. We had no leftovers!


You could add some spinich leaves in towards the end of cooking, or you could add some herbs, button mushrooms, but really it tastes nice just the way it is...I say the simpler the better sometimes.

Have to go, bye for now



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