Date: 31st May 1998
Time: 6:00pm

An Update!

Well Hello!!! And boy oh boy! Do I have news for you... Firstly,,,it's been too long. Secondly so very much has happened that you'd better sew your lips together now, to avoid your jaw, crashing on the floor in a few days time. This page will be a precursor to another and then another and then another. In kindness, I give these people a day or two to make sure they delete my url and homepage from their, families computers, work computers etc etc... If they don't, well at least I gave the opportunity.

This is not to hurt anyone. This is to assert myself, a way to come out from hiding, a way to come out from subservience, a means to express how I feel and how I am going to survive this betrayal and insult.

I have been told to keep this a secret from my siblings. In my time of need, I have been instructed to keep a lid on it, with the pressure that If I do tell it will cause more harm to myself. Balderdash! A huge load of it. The real reason why it must be kept secret, is to give time to those involved to lick their wounded pride in having been caught out; for them to regroup and hide their embarrassment. Labels are not good enough to scream foul play, when you cannot back them up with real and not just perceived evidence.

Let's just say, I am not claiming innocence to certain charges or labels placed upon me, but I am merely asserting my right to protect, explain and defend myself. In Australia, we are innocent until proven guilty. Not so for me. I've been found guilty, and am awaiting the verdict now. The only problem with this, is when the jury is closed, sealed and the convicted is not given the opportunity to breath innocence, for fear of recrimination and more laying of blame or guilt, the person convicted can either go crazy, or seek a way to cope with the sentence. I have been sentenced. At this stage, the jury is still deliberating the verdict. Guilty is assured, yet the sentence has not been announced. Is it another few months or years of hell, or will it be life?


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