For legal purposes, registrations by searching adoptees, or birthparents searching for adoptees born after this date in 1991 will not have their information posted on the registry.
Your registration will not be posted if a birthyear cannot be provided. To do either one of the above would be the equivalent of performing a minor search which although is technically not against the law, it can be viewed as being both morally and ethically unsound. Therefore registrations by minors will not be posted.
If you are ever contacted by a searcher asking for money please contact me immediately at .
If you're an adoptee or birthparent searching (or another family member), the first thing to do is to register with the ISRR. The ISRR is the International Soundex Reunion Registry. You should apply for your Non ID (non ideltifying information)when you're searching. Non ID is an invaluable tool to have when searching. Here is contact information to write or call in order to obtain your non id. Non ID in your state .
When you're searching you need to know the state adoption laws. State Adoption Laws. Read Top 10 Things To Do To Start Searching
Use the EWO registry only if you're searching for a member of your birthfamily. If you've lost touch with a friend and wish to locate him/her, visit there are several places to find them. Go to The Seeker, Classmates, MyLife (formerly, MySpace, Facebook or Twitter.
By registering with EWO you are consenting to the distribution of your search information (EX: primary e-mail address, gender, birthdate, and who you're in search of, and any extra information you may have, etc...) among adoption mailing lists and search angels. However, your personal information such as name, address, and phone # will not be circulated, they are for my personal database only. Information will be distributed and posted on this website on a bi-weekly or a weekly basis, time permitting.
You must provide the status of your registration, your primary e-mail address, your gender, your position in the triad (adoptee, birthparent, etc...), the adoptees date of birth, the adoptees location of birth (city/town), who you're searching for, and the date of your registration. These are required and will be displayed on the registry. *(Your primary e-mail address will not be physically displayed on the registry but it will be displayed in the form of a "MAILTO:" link.)
You also need to provide your name, street address, city, state and zip code or phone number, as an additional means of contact in the event of a possible match.This information is required, and without it your search will not be posted. Your name, street address, city and state is for my personal database and will not be disclosed to a third party without your consent. (Please include a cell phone number if you have one).
An alternate e-mail is strongly suggested (but not required) in case your primary e-mail is disabled. If you don't have web e-mail account for this specific purpose, I suggest you register for one. The most popular free web e-mail providers are Yahoo or Hotmail .
Don't post your birth certificate number or your social security number. By doing so can lead to identity theft and as a member of the triad it is your responsibility to ensure your own personal safety on the internet by not disclosing private information which may be made viewable to the public.
If you see a potential match on this registry, and have tried to contact that person but their e-mail is inactive, e-mail me and let me know. I may have an alternate means of contact for that person.
Some registrations will be echoed to Search and Support Groups. These groups should be contacted by the searcher for assistance. Follow the links provided.
Arizona registrations will be echoed to the Arizona Search and Support Group.
Northwest (WA, OR, ID, etc) registrations will be posted to NWSAR, Northwest Adoption Search and Reunion.
New York registrations will be echoed to the NY Search and Support Group. Pennsylvania registrations will be posted on PARR, a Pennsylvania Search and Support Group.
Register with G's Adoption Registry. The registrations are echoed to a team of search angels that will aid and assist you in your search.
If you have medical issues and need to initiate a search, go to Adoption Free Search and fill out an application for an emergency search. That information will be sent to EMLA. EMLA is an Emergency Medical Locators Service and there is no fee associated with this service. It would be extremely helpful to the search angels if you would have your non id at the time of the medical search. However, If you do have a severe life threating medical issue, not only register with EMLA, we also suggest that you to petition the courts to open your adoption records. If you have medical reasons then you have "good cause" .
Janet Sousa EWO Registry Owner Updated 9/21/2009 MySpace |
G's Adoption Registry | Gary's Adoption Links |