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If you think you may have been a victim of the black-market, register with The Blackmarket Adoptee's Registry.

FEMALE ADOPTED FEMALE SIBLING1955ADOPTED MALE SIBLINGManhattan, NEW YORKManhattanPossilby St. VincentsNY FoundlingBirthmother Gloria Mary Schenk/shank. bm gloria mary schenk/schank.i am the baby sister of my brothers,he dose not know i exsist,he is apart fo alot of siblings all adopted from ny foundling.bm was irish and german,she told lots of lies. Birthmothers First Name = gloria
Birthmothers Maiden Name = schenk/schank
State or Country of Adoption = NEW YORK
Adoptees Ethnticity = Caucasian
Birthmothers Ethnticity = Caucasian
Birthfathers Ethnticity = Caucasian
Do you have your Non ID? = Yes
Do you have a search angel helping you? = No
FEMALE ADOPTEE1955BIRTHFAMILYLackawanna/Buffalo, NEW YORKErie CountyOur Lady of Victory infant Home/Father'sOur Ladyof Victory/Baker Victory Mother was about 18, dark hairbrown/hazel eyes,about 140 lbs (might be baby weight) 5'1, went to OLOV mid january and left mid february. .She had sisters and brothers. She may have worked as a secretary. She was a high school graduate.My father was about 21. My mother may have used the nsme Fisher as her alias name at OLOV. Adoptees Birthname = Susan
Adoptees Age When Adopted = 1 YR.
Birthmothers Age at time of adoptees birth = about 18
Birthmothers Maiden Name = Frank?
Adoptive mothers maiden name = Carter
Do you have your Non ID? = Yes
Do you have a search angel helping you? = No
FEMALE FEMALE HALF SIBLING00/00/1955FEMALE ADOPTEEunknown--- I am an adoptee who was born in Cal 1962. I am looking for my half sister who was last seen in Texas in 1958, so she would have been 3 at that time, she may remember an older sister named Penny/Ina. We don't know if you were born in Cal or Texas, were not sure what happened but you were left in Texas. Our mother was Vivian Duane O'malley. You have many siblings, we have not found them all. Your name is or was either Rashell or Shelly? If you have any memory of this please make contact, we all went through the same thing,only two knew mom. Adoptees Birthname = Shelly, Adoptees Age When Adopted = 5 -?, Birthmothers Age at time of adoptees birth = 26, Birthmothers First Name = Vivian, Birthmothers Maiden Name = O'malley, Adoptees Ethnticity = American Indian, Birthmothers Ethnticity = American Indian08/14/08
FEMALEBIRTH DAUGHTER1955BIRTHFAMILYNashville, TENNESSEEDavidson County-Dr. HilliardMy birthmother stayed with my adoptive parents,Edith and Joseph Bergman, before my birth.After the birth,she stayed with a lady named Lois. I was born in the doctors office. Adoptees Birthname: Pamela/Pammy, Birthmothers Maiden Name: Webb04/18/2004
FEMALESIBLING1955ADOPTED SIBLINGWISCONSIN- -State of WisconsinRegistrants adopted sibling may have had the last name "Gabrilska"09/19/2003
FEMALE FEMALE HALF SIBLING1955FEMALE ADOPTEE---- I am an adoptee who was born in Cal 1962. I am looking for my half sister who was last seen in Texas in 1958, so she would have been 3 at that time, she may remember an older sister named Penny/Ina. We don't know if you were born in Cal or Texas, were not sure what happened but you were left in Texas. Our mother was Vivian Duane O'malley. You have many siblings, we have not found them all. Your name is or was either Rashell or Shelly? If you have any memory of this please make contact, we all went through the same thing,only two knew mom.
Adoptees Birthname = Shelly
Adoptees Age When Adopted = 5 -?
Birthmothers Age at time of adoptees birth = 26
Birthmothers First Name = Vivian
Birthmothers Maiden Name = O'malley
Adoptees Ethnticity = American Indian
Birthmothers Ethnticity = American Indian
MALE ADOPTEE 01/08/1955 BIRTHFAMILYNew Orleans, LOUISIANA-Volunteers of America--07/09/2008
FEMALEBIRTH DAUGHTER01/12/1955BIRTHFAMILYToronto, CANADA York Women's College Hospital Toronto Children's Aid SocietyAdoptees Birthname: Dorothy Louise, Birthmothers Maiden Name: Hunter07/31/2004
FEMALESIBLING2/11/1955SIBLINGMullens, WEST VIRGINIAWyomingWyoming General Hospital-Both myself and my sister were adopted. Adoptees Birthname: Dell Jean Massey, Birthmothers Maiden Name: Shirley Massey, Birthfathers Name: Ray Massey 05/24/2005
MALEBIRTH SON3/28/1955BIRTHFAMILYChicago, ILLINOISCook CountyCook County Hospital Fausto Ciulini My birth certificate list my adoptive parents, which is why I believe I was adopted illegally.5/8/05
MALEBIRTH SON4/13/55BIRTHMOTHERNampa, IDAHO- Mercy Meical CenterEugene SaltzerBirthmother, Lisa Johnson posted on a website on Dec. 28, she left her name but no contact information. Registrant has called over 500 Lisa Johnson's in the U.S. Birthmothers Maiden Name: possibly Bates ................................................................1/5/2004
FEMALESIBLING05/17/1955BIRTHFATHERNorfolk, VIRGINIA-Depaul-I have found my sister but we are now trying to locate her birth father his name is Curtis Perry Maddox birthdate unknown . He was in the Korean War and while in war his feet were frost bitten.he was a Police officer in Norfolk,Va in the 1950's he married Betty June King about 1953 or 1954 and was told that he may have been from West VA. Adoptees Birthname: Maddox, Birthmothers Maiden Name: Betty June King, Birthfathers Name: Curtis Perry Maddox......................................................................................................06/20/2004
FEMALE BIRTH DAUGHTER 06-23-1955SIBLINGSpokane, WASHINGTONFairchild AFBSt. Anne's-Adoptees Birthname: Margaret Johnson 07-03-04
FEMALEADOPTEE07/02/55SIBLINGBuffalo, NEW YORK Eire--Sisters DOB 07/02/55. Mothers Name; Laura Eames. Fathers Name; George 10/26/03
FEMALEADOPTEE07/12/1955BIRTHMOTHERSan Francisco, CALIFORNIASan Francisco-Children's Home Society-10/20/03
MaleAdoptee07/27/1955BirthmotherChicago, ILLINOISCook Cook County GeneralChildrens Home and Aid Society Adoptees Birthname = Peter, Adoptees Age When Adopted = 6 months , Birthmothers Age at time of adoptees birth = 18, I was born with a club foot on my right side, but it was repaired when I was adopted and I turned out to be a fairly good athlete. My mother was 18 and she became involved with a married, 26 year old man. He told her he would marry her, but when I was born he said he could not leave his three sons. He did not help her out with any money after I was born. She was 5' 7" tall, with strawberry blonde hair and a lazy eye that was caused by one of her brothers shooting her in the eye with a BB gun. She was Catholic and her family was from Lithuania. He was a brick layer, stood over six foot high and also had strawberry blonde hair, and his family was Swedish. She tried to take care of me for six months, but without any help from my father, she could not do it alone, so she gave me up for adoption. 6/12/2008
FEMALEBIRTH DAUGHTER08/03/1955BIRTHFAMILYHighland Park, MICHIGANWayne Detroit Osteopathic Hospital - Birthmothers name is Ann Colette Leahey and father is Bill Capman or Chatman11/30/2003
FEMALEBIRTH DAUGHTER08/22/1955BIRTHMOTHERGrapevine, TEXASTarrantGrapevine clinicEd Lancaster-02/26/2004
MALEBIRTH SON09/19/1955BIRTHFAMILYShreveport, LOUISIANACaddo-Catholic CharitiesAdoptees Birthname: Charles David Pratt12/27/2003
FEMALEBIRTH DAUGHTER 12/08/1955BIRTHFAMILY New Orleans, LOUISIANA Orleans- Methodist HomeAdoptees Birthname: Clarann Oxford, Birthmothers Maiden Name: Possibly Georgena Muriel Oxford12/11/2005
FEMALE FEMALE BIOLOGICAL SIBLING12-24-1955ADOPTED MALE SIBLINGYakima, WASHINGTONYakimaSt. Elizabeth Hospital-Adoptees Birthname = Baby Boy Powell
Adoptees Age When Adopted = newborn
Birthmothers Age at time of adoptees birth = 28
Birthmothers First Name = Dorothy
Birthmothers Maiden Name = Heath
Birthmothers Married Name = Powell
Birthfathers Name = Chet I. Powell
Do you have your Non ID? = No
Do you have a search angel helping you? = No

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