Dreamweaver's Realm

  Hasten traveller.
A World of dreams awaits you.
Tarry not.
For yesterdays dreams
are todays goals
and tomorrows


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Take my hand traveller.
Let us walk this path together.
Let us dream of a better tomorrow.

Of a world filled with love
and understanding.

Let us dream of a place
where hope lives in the sun.

Where a soul might find a mate.

Of a time when peace walks the land
and lives in our hearts.
Come traveller
let us walk this path together.

Come let the Dreamweaver spin a dream
of silver and gold.

A dream for the young and old.

Come traveller,

dream a dream with me.

What an honor to be
included in Novembers
featured pages.
Thank you so very much..
Having friends like Peg and Nell
is also a honor.

Kila I am overwhelmed

by your generosity

This is just what I wanted this site to convey


Tammy I am pleased

to have this site

recieve this award

for friendship

It is really what it is all about.

Thank you so much.

The Site's first award
It is very special
As is the person who presented it,
Thank you Cia
I will treasure it always

My Award Reflections Whispers
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Gifts From Friends Prayer Page Kiddy Korner

Nell's Page More GH Gifts Who is Misty
A Child's Secret Garden A Taste of Iceland Winged Horse
Christmas Favorite Links coming Favorite Yummies coming

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