Sara's Cyber Pals


Here's my pets....hope you enjoy them! If you know of any cute ones that I don't have, email me, okay?

This is my elephant. She's my pet from The Mousepad. She is registered as #117. If you'd like to adopt an elephant or a kitty or a mouse, just click on her birth certificate. Oh, by the way, her name is Naomi, but you can name yours whatever you want!

Congo, my adopted beanie baby gorilla. See his friend Spooky the Ghost on my Holiday Pets page.

Here's my Woobie Lion, Lancelot. I think he's so pretty!! I've always wanted a real lion, but for some strange reason, my parents won't let me have one, so I decided I'd get a Woobie one instead. I got him from Woobie World. Get one, okay? Woobies are cool!

A sea monkey!!! Wow, I was so excited to find him. I never would have thought of a sea monkey...

Here's my Platypus, Wobbles. If you want a platypus (there's all different colors), you can get one by clicking on him. Have you noticed that I now have links up for all of my pets? Yea!! Go me!

This is Robin. As I'm sure you can see, he's a frog. I'm running out of things to say about my pets with resorting to cheesy stuff like "Please say hello to the newest addition to my family! This is my baby frog Robin. He's so much fun to have around the house! His favorite things are: yummy insects, hopping around......." blah, blah, blah. I will NOT do that with my pets. At least I'll have my dignity after I'm through with this page, even if some of my pets end up with no descriptions. So, uh, here's my frog. Yeah.

He's an egg. Well, actually he's not an egg, he's a chick in an egg shell. His name is rick. Not Rick, it's rick. Little r. Don't ask why, it just is.

This is my Dustbunnie, Loppy. I like him so much! He's so cute!

This is my pony, Camelot Jr. Isn't she pretty? She reminds me of the "My Little Ponies" I used to play w/ all the time.

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