Salaamun Alaikum wa Rahmatullah

Note: this page is rarely, if ever, updated. I have kept the most relevant links up for general resources. If you'd like to cite my Shakespeare paper for your own undergrad work, send me an email at umhajarNOSPAM(at)hotmail(dot)com removing the "nospam" and replacing the items in parenthesis with the appropriate symbol.

Meanwhile, you are welcome to visit my other projects:

Sister Scorpion: my online journal, two years and running

My Flickr Album which includes my photography and digital art

My Current Homepage, IMAGERY: digital art and poetry

Older pages retained at this site:

1. Current Moon Phase (applet)
2. Women, America, Islam, and Myself
4. Recipes
5. Muslimah Graphics
6. Shakespeare's "Moor" (undergrad paper)
7. Quranic Verses About Children
8. A Common Ancestor?
9. Pregnancy and Child-Related Resources

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