Choosing A Pet
How To Choose The Right Pet For You And Your Family
You've decided to add a pet to your family but what pet is right? Should it be a dog or cat? Long or short-haired? Small dog or large? Puppy, kitten or older animal? Do you want a pet to hike and ski with you, or to sit in your lap?
One reason that shelters are so full of unwanted pets is that far too many people buy a pet on impulse, never thinking that the adorable ball of fluff they brought home will be a 120-pound Great Pyranees in six months, with the coat of a sheep and the ability to reach things on every counter.
The professionally trained dog that was so adorable in the last movie your family saw may bear little resemblance to the one you buy as a puppy.
A pet should be a family member, and may be with you for many years. It will take time and money, and require care and love. Pet ownership is not a momentary decision.
Pets are good for people. Studies show pets can help lower blood pressure and reduce depression—if you choose the right pet. Think about your lifestyle. Do you live in an apartment, and work a 10 to 12-hour day? Consider getting a cat—or two, a bird, or fish for companionship. Dogs need to be let out and exercised too often to fit your lifestyle well.
Do you have children younger than five? Unless you're an experienced pet owner, consider waiting to get a pet or adopting an older animal. Adding a puppy is like having another two-year-old, and young children often don't understand how to handle a pet gently.
It is best to have your pet live with you indoors. Outdoor cats live an average of two years, while indoor cats average 12 years. And dogs left outdoors can bark and annoy neighbors, or destroy landscaping.
You've weighed the choices and decided on a dog. But what kind?
Again, think about your time and energy levels. Even small dogs can require a lot of grooming or training. For instance, Maltese need daily brushing, and most terriers have an extremely high energy level.
Large dogs vary in disposition from placid to protective. Which suits your family and living conditions? The American Kennel Club recognizes more than 140 dog breeds, each with different personalities and purposes.
Before you make a final decision on a dog, visit your library and get a book on dog breeds. Look for one that gives pros and cons—personality, exercise requirements, common inherited diseases. Visit dog shows in your area to see what an adult in your breed looks and acts like, and talk with the owners.
If you want to show your dog, find local breeders and visit them. See as many of the dogs as possible. Surf the Internet for breed-specific groups to learn more. For a dog that will be a companion, consider adopting a dog from your local animal shelter. And knowing breed characteristics can help you adopt either a purebred or mixed breed wisely.
Purebred cats come in a variety of personalities, sizes, and coats. A Siamese may be more affectionate and demanding, a Persian more placid. Long-haired breeds need more grooming.
Again, your library, breeders and shows can help guide you to the purebred cat breed that matches your personality, or your local shelter has a wide assortment of cats available for adoption. If you work long hours, two cats will keep one another company.
Choosing your new pet wisely is an important first step in making it part of your family. Now, get ready for its arrival. Don't just drag the new family member home from the shelter or breeder with no preparations!
Prepare your family first. Discuss needs and responsibilities. Remind children that the newcomer needs time to settle in. Young animals need lots of rest.
Get the necessary equipment—bowls, bedding and litter pan — and designate a bathroom area outdoors for the dog. Have collars, leashes, and toys. Investigate types of food, and choose a quality product right for your pet's age and lifestyle.
Pet-proof your home as you would for a child. Electrical cords, household products, and plants should be moved out of the pet's reach. Remember, puppies and kittens view the world as a chew toy. Your job is to help them learn toys from forbidden items.
Ask friends to recommend a veterinarian. Plan to take your new pet for a health check and any necessary vaccinations within the first few days. Make arrangements to have your pet neutered as soon as it is old enough, if you do not intend to breed it.
A puppy class and obedience classes can help make your new dog a well-behaved family member. Check with your local shelter or county extension service to see if they have classes. You'll find the time it takes is well-spent in terms of having a pet you can live with.
When choosing a pet for you or your family
it is important to determine
What kind of pet would suit your lifestyle
The type of breed you want,
Where to find such a pet,
And what you need to welcome the pet to your home