Kathi's Garden
Page Five
don't try to force anything
let life be a deep let go
see god opening millions
of flowers everyday
without forcing the buds
bhagwan shree
sometimes you can just feel things happening in your
soul...sometimes it starts with sadness or anger....it is a rumbling...a
stumbling...and then one day you wake up and you have
last week i spent an evening with my family..now we
aren't exactly close, lots of years between us and i never enjoy myself when
i am there....and i come home disparaged....sullen...where is the wally in
my june and ward wonderland....
today they came to my home...i cooked and cleaned...and
tried with all i had to remain positive...what i know is, it is not them..it
is me...i'm the one with the chip..i don't fit in, i am the nerd of them
family, the ugly duckling..because my newsletter and paintings and poetry
don't make money they are worthless to them..they have no understanding of
the hows and whys i sit here day after day....they grew up sisters....i was
like a step sister, coming many many years after they were grown....but
today they were in my space, my circle of knowledge....i
showed them the computer, took them to some of my favorite places...read
them some poetry, let them look at my newsletter....i felt in control....we
laughed and made jokes...and tho i knew it was just this day, this hour,
this moment...it was.
fate chooses our relatives
we choose our friends
jacques bossuet
they are gone now...and next year they will come round
again and we will continue i the circle...they have each other, i have my
as man thinks, so does he become
every man is the son of his own thoughts
April 19, 1999
life is not the way it's supposed to be.
it's the way it is. the way you cope with it is
what makes the difference
virginia satir
yesterday's garden was pretty heavy hitting..sometimes
so is life...i hold no punches....but today, a turn about...imagine for just
one moment it is quiet where you are....your mind scattered with unsettling
thoughts...get rid of them....tell them to go now....
as you sit there feel a blanket of peace cover you,
let the solitude heal you...as your body starts to calm down see yourself
in a garden....
you are the flowers....feel the heat of the sun on
your back and hear the cheer of the butterflies and they sweep soflty across
the sky
we all need strength for survival...the ability to
meet the daily challenges of life when nothing else seems to work is drawn
from the river of strength....it comes to us through prayer, sometimes in
what we read, and hopefully, often, it comes from friends and family...
i get my strength from watercolor rainbows and the
soft fall of rain upon the window....i find it in the sunrise and the sunset..the
twinkle of stars...from those i love, from watching katy grow and most important
from my higher power....
strength is...unwavering, replenishing, it is essential
and without it none of us could survive....it is a cornerstone and a back
find strength and courage
in patience
through adversity
and the starlight within
life songs
in your darkness a light still flows, soft and in the
night it gathers strength..and waits with patience for the new day, in quiet
and peacefulness...
nature teaches us that there is success and sureness
of soul in patient repetition....it can be seen in the wind that builds the
sand dunes, and the river that carves out the canyons, for gold to achieve
its beauty it must first pass through fire, diamonds, brilliant over time
and pressure...the times in our lives that are the most difficult are the
very one that shape us, mold us and bring us closer to what lies
listen for the voice that speaks of what you know inside
your soul..it tells us if we have forgotten something or if we are afraid..it
is that voice that knows you better than anyone...listen....
with courage you will dare to take risks
have the strength to be compassionate
and the wisdom to be humble
courage is the foundation of
keshkavan nair
April 13, 1999
I'm not there yet, but I'm closer than I was
So much of the time we feel unworthy..of love...of
friendship....guilty and ashamed. I know I feel a lot of shame from being
abused sexually by my dad....I know it wasn't my fault but sometimes it gets
the better of me..and I persecute myself for letting it happen. Then it gnaws
at me...eats away at my self esteem and I can't always see how far I've
Any of this sound familiar, it doesn't have to be something
like abuse..everyday doubts will do it as well....We become afraid to feel
Well, my friend, it takes courage to look back down
the road and see how far we have come from darkness into light. If we can
gather that courage it will reap its own rewards....
When we give credit where credit is due, desire and
the willingness to investigate those corners of darkness, we have something
to celebrate.
Facing the demons of guilt and low self esteem require
great courage.....I am an expert at this..trust me..*smiling*Looking forward
as well as back the task becomes even more courageous.
It is not where we came from, or even where we are,
that tells the story. It is where we are going that gives rise to
It is always such a good feeling to hear my heart
shout.."I'm getting there! I'm doing just fine!"
It is your validation of me and the support that helps
me claim my self esteem....We all need validation....thank you for all the
support you give me.....today at school...i had to confront a weakness, and
ask for help from a teacher who thrives on feeling like she knows more....but
I was able to say, it is not a fault to be weak if I have the courage to
confront it and build strength from it. She treated me with respect....and
had good ideas....it was a win win situation....
I cannot give you courage or strength you have to give
it to yourself....but I can give *smiles* and hugs ^{{{{to my friends}}}^
and any support you need.....just ask......
Have a wonderful day
may you get as many smiles
as you give
and may your
cup overflow with
enough love
you have some to give away.
April 14, 1999
let there be a sanctuary where my spirit feels
a place reserved for a calm and quiet
where my heart is strong and sure
a place where all my thoughts are free
to contemplate the sky
a refuge to
restore my faith and give me strength to
sometimes it takes me hours to search my heart til
i find the words..tonight that happened..and i asked myself why...well, i
am tired,
and i had to be with my family last night and celebrate
katy's birthday with her friends tonight....lots going on at work...far behind
at home..
so, to get away from it all....i have to go deep into
places i rarely have time for...my imagination...it is a game i play, always
have..since childhood i learned at an early age i had to be my own family...i
could only depend on myself..so i pretended all the time....so tonight i
will pretend for a minute with you....you can come along if you like or stay
behind and watch....but the point is, i am human, like you i get tired and
sad and angry.....so come with me to my quiet place....
i am at home at the ocean....it scares me...and i can't
put my head under the water, my father used to put a pillow over my face
when he came into my room so i can't go under water, dentists terrify me...but
as much as it terrifies me..it soothes me, comforts me....it is the good
the bad and the ugly...like so many things in our lives...
i think we need to figure that out..that in the height
of happiness, there will be something ugly...and deep in the well of anger
we can ladle up some laughter....it is how we are made....not all bad not
all good....a balance..sometimes we get out of balance....
when i want to get inside myself i go to the ocean,
for me it has adolescence memories...they make me feel good....
i park my car and get out...i have nothing to
gather...solitude needs no baggage...i begin to walk down the sandy hill
of the beach, i hear people laughing, and the faint sound of the waves as
they rush to shore...i can smell the salt and see the gulls in flight against
the sky...
my feet sink into the sand and i can feel the heat
of the sun as my feet slow down and sink into the footprints...i walk to
the edge of the water and i know how cold it will be still i stand as the
foam runs toward me....as if my toes were tiny rocks to crash upon...i step
backwards...we both tease the waves and i..and suddenly i am that teenager
again...and i can hear and feel the moments...
i look down and see my footprint, there is a hollow
impression of my heel and a fan like spread of toes...the rush of waves fill
my footprint and as they do i send all my worries to the tips of the toes
and let them gently roll back out to sea...every speck of sand a worry or
fear....and one grain at a time they disappear...
the waves dance again upon the smooth shore and this
time i let all the responsibilities and worries tumble into the water in
sweet release...the shore smooth and glassy....my mind at peace....my breathing
rolls in and out with the tide...i am lulled by the ocean and relaxed...
i look up..and there in the horizon a sky so wide and
so blue..my eyes reflect its glory...i am a part of this nature, this world...and
i am okay
go WITH the pain, let it take you...
open your palms and your body to the pain
it comes in waves like a tide, and you must be open
as a
vessel lying on the beach, letting it fill you up
and then, retreating, leaving you empty and clear
with a deep breath..it has to be as deep as the
one reaches a kind of inner freedom from pain,
as though the pain were not yours but
your body's
the spirit lays the body on the alter
anne morrow lindbergh
April 15, 1999
for each of us there is a deep place within,
hidden and growing our true spirit rises
within these deep places, each one holds an
reserve of creativity and power
of unexamined and unrecorded emotion and feeling
andre lorde
it is beautiful spring weather here in sunny
california....it is a day to throw open the windows, take a deep breath and
cleave to the notion that....you are alive....for what ever reason...you
are alive....
deep listening is miraculous for both listener
and speaker. when someone receives us with
open hearted, non judging, intensely interested
listening, our spirits expand
there is never a time i don't have a conversation that
i don't come way with some kind of wisdom....we need to learn to listen....and
to do it without facial judgement....the speakers depend on us...for some,
they are trusting for the first time...
so often we dwell on the things that seem
impossible rather than on the things that
are possible...so often we are depressed by what
remains to be done and forget to be thankful
for all that has been done
marian wright
just for today....for each negative thought counter
it with a positive one..instead of being eyeore, be tigger.....look for the
silver lining....it is the weekend, you can chose to use it wisely or waste
it....for me using it wisely would be to laugh through most of it...
a good laugh heals a lot of hurts
madeline l'engle
April 16, 1999
who will tell whether one happy moment of love
or the joy of breathing
or walking on a bright morning and smelling
the fresh air, is not worth all
the suffering and effort which life implies
erich fromm
this morning to get from my house to my car i had to
walk past my roses...i planted them when my dear friend and love, michael
died of cancer....i planted them to remind me love and life continue to bloom
even in sorrow....last week the bud was small, tiny and fragile...so innocently
it continued to grow in spite of the rain and wind....the cold and hot
temperatures.....today i see, it is a fuller bloom, about to burst forth....if
i stand and wait it will be a watched pot...and you know what they say abut
watched pots....so i wait with joyful anticipation of the love and beauty
it will give me when it decides to...
robins break out of their shells and struggle to grow,
learning to eat and eventually learning to fly, we too struggle, broken hearts,
broken dreams...but in spite of the struggles we continue to grow and find
comfort in a higher power just like the robins find warmth near the body
of their mother...
spring does not ask an audience, but shapes each blossom
perfectly, indifferent to applause
joan walsh
in spring, the flowers come in their own time and bring
with them shape and color...fragrance...lilacs with their heavenly aroma
and lucious lavender color...the blossoms of the trees, white, pink....each
no one stood in front and said...bloom...and they don't
bloom because they are getting something....indeed, i think they are the
givers..and we should be thankful to them...but they bloom just for the joy
of blooming...that is what they are here to do...
everyone one of us...so like the flowers of spring,
we bloom in our own time...we have a unique personality, color and fragrance,
as the flowers do...each of us special and important....we are all part of
the tree of life....
spring follows winter..and i know there are some of
you shaking your heads....not so sure....but it will be here...i had a friend
tell me, oh yes, spring is here, the flowers just have snow on them....seasons
are predictable...we are not so...spring is a renewal....a rebirth....from
the dead of winter, easy for some but not for all....and there is no guarantee
of a springtime of the spirit....we have to choose it...and as much as that
may seem dreadful to some..i see it as being glorious...that we would indeed
choose a springtime of spirit....rather than continue to live in the dead
of winter....there is a reason the saying goes...hope springs eternal..
as some of us begin to pass from the dead of winter
of our souls to the hope of spring...stop and smell the flowers....you should
recognize yourself among the blooms...at least in MY garden....spring has
sprung in my life and my garden.....because to you....
she who loves her garden
has a very special treasure...
for she has found
her private paradise.
April 22, 1999
in fact the word enchant comes from the latin
incantare, meaning "to sing or chant magical words
or sounds."
jonathan goldman
music sings, words ring out, i cannot imagine the singing
sound of gun fire....sounds have ceased...but deep in the hearts of those
who lay nose to ground, or stuffed like sardines in closets lulled by the
sound of shots, it will never die....
i have not said much in regards to the senseless killings
that plagued the world and, in some cases continue to plague, this past
what can i say that has not been thought or said....katy
came home today, yes she got her license....but brought with her hard, bitter
feelings....she is angry...her father's family lives far away, coupled with
her father and his wife, they are people who seldom see her and know nothing
of her life....bits and pieces....but nothing of hopes and dreams..and suddenly
she was in the throngs of accusation....she was accused for wearing the color
black, for wanting her body pierced, for the music she listens to......when
i began to talk about the senseless murders in colorado, her eyes welled
up with tears.....yet her heart beat an angry beat...she is a teenager amidst
raging hormones and now grouped together with" our youth of today" if we
are confused imagine how confused "they are"...she is able to admit now...the
tears are because she realizes her association with the gothics and trenchcoated
kids in her school could have led to much worse than it was....it could have
been her....them....
today, she sings a new song.....and it is that song
that carries her through her daily life....it is a joyful song.....the song
of a teen and her journey from dark to light.....a song so many of her peers
will not sing.....so, we must sing it for them.....
music has the capacity to touch the
intermost reaches of the soul and music gives
flight to the imagination
when we are wounded and have no words...music speaks
to us...it becomes the great healer..we don't know it but we often reach
to music when we are emotionally drained...i play classical music at nap
time so the kids can be lulled to sleep....as i rub their backs...i can feel
the tension leaving my body, my breathing settles.....
i have music on all the time....it sets my mood but
does more..it raises me up..lifts my spirits....it brings me harmony....is
it any wonder why we call it a heart "beat"...it has been proven that the
beat of the heart can slow another persons heart down...when i have a child
out of control...i bring him to my chest..his heart pressed against mine...and
i hum or i think about the ocean in its ebb and flow, a waterfall, flowers
that sway in the meadow..and as my heart beats a rhythm..it steadies the
heart of the child..calms him down.....
the peace for which every soul strives
and which is the true nature of a higher power
and the utmost goal of man
is but the outcome of harmony
hazrat inayat
in the wake of this last week, we will need to begin
the journey back to the promised land....it will be easy for some difficult
for others....with open hearts and our song we can create harmony...we are
creative children, each of us an instrument....a note, a song....if we are
going to heal the world of its miseries...we will need a song...music is
the medicine...
in the days and weeks to follow...i ask you to find
your song....search your heart....it may be one of anger, disbelief,
sorrow....don't discount one of laughter or joy....life does go on...our
journeys continue....do not sit in silence....turn on the radio....the
stereo....and sing....i did in church this morning and felt so much better....for
me song is a form of prayer...
sing in the car....sing in the shower....sing on key,
off key...but let the spirit of the song lift you.....this week my song will
be..."i believe"...i believe for every drop of rain that falls, a flower
grows.....i believe that even in the darkest night, a candle glows...and
i believe as a nation, as the world...with love and song...we can be free...and
live in peace...
"oh i am one voice, and i am singing, oh i am one voice
and i am singing....oh i am once voice and i am singing....i will not be
April 26, 1999
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