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This article contributed by a Woman's World Visitor, I truly love it! Thanks........Susan!!!! It is truly the contribution of visitors to Woman's World that inspires new area's! Keep the great thoughts flowing! I received this at a luncheon for a women's organization in September of 1998. I have handed it out at many workshops I conduct for women. To read it silently is read it out loud (especially with others) is incredibly liberating and empowering. Women empowering ourselves -- what a concept! I don't know if you can find a place for this in your self esteem section, but I was so impressed with your site, that I wanted to share this. Enjoy!
Affirmation I like who I am. I am glad to be me. I have decided to be the best me I can be. Today is a good day. Today is the day I choose to be my best, to do my best. There are other good days, too, but today is special and so am I. I have decided to win in my life. I am in control, on top, in tune, in touch, and nothing can stand between me and the goals I have set for myself. I can do it. Just watch me and I will prove it. That's it. Period. (Author unknown)
Remember to stop and pick the daisies of life!
I love and accept myself just exactly as I am I am loveable and likeable I can cope with the messiness of life with a degree of grace I observe myself with gentleness, compassion, understanding, and forgiveness I am masculine and sensitive I am feminine and powerful I can handle whatever life brings to me with [God's, my higher power's, my higher self's, other] help I accept and celebrate my humanness I am imperfect and loveable I turn problems into opportunities Most things in life are not that important I get stronger and more confident every day Everything will ultimately work out for a higher good I see the positive side of every situation I feel happier every day I will live a happy, successful, and fulfilling life with or without _____________'s approval I deserve to lighten up, have fun, and enjoy my day! I am secure and centered I am serene and focused I am healthy, whole, and complete I am [autonomous, independent] and [interdependent, connectable] I have the right [to make my own decisions, to my opinion]; others have the right [to make their own decisions, to their opinion] I love and accept my life just exactly as it is I am unique, I am special (and I am a child of God) I am inportant and valuable I am loved and appreciated I'm grateful for the friends who are in my life I possess a unique set of strengths, talents, and gifts I am a good person and I have a loving, gentle spirit [My higher power, God, My higher self] enables me to intuitively know how to handle situations that used to baffle me [My higher power, God, My higher self] is doing for me what I cannot do for myself I possess strength, humility, patience, and tolerance I can cope with whatever life brings to me with [my higher power's, God's, my higher self's] help This, too, shall pass I am adequate and that is good enough I'm fun to be with and I have a good sense of humor I am aware of my connection to [my higher power, God, my higher self] I am OK just exactly as I am I deserve to live a happy, successful, and fulfilling life I live my life one day at a time Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle all my problems at once -- from Just For Today (Al-Anon) I am creative, flexible, relaxed, and easygoing
Affirmations for Self-Esteem Having high self-esteem will make me more effective. I can influence my own future by planning and taking action to meet my goals. There are many things I do successfully. I can improve my self-esteem by meeting my own expectations. I do not have to strive for perfection to approve of myself. By accepting and loving myself I am giving a gift to the world. I alone am responsible for the decisions I make. I am a unique individual. Persistence will help me succeed. No matter what someone else says or does to me I am still a worthwhile person. Every mistake I make can be an opportunity to learn. There are many things I can do and enjoy that I have not yet discovered. I can overcome obstacles to reach my goals. Encouragement helps me to improve more than harsh criticism. I will achieve goals I set for myself or revise them when I decide it's appropriate. My worth as a human being does not depend on achieving a perfect body image or weight. I deserve support and will ask for help when I need it. My future begins now. I have the power to forgive myself for past mistakes. I will treat myself as someone special. I determine what success means to me.
copyright 1996 by Patricia A. Doherty, Ph.D.
Affirm Yourself Day By Day
by Suzanne E. Harrill, M.Ed., L.P.C.
I stop taking myself so seriously. I laugh at myself. I allow myself to see humor in my life.
When I take myself too seriously, I miss enjoying the moment by being "in my head," practicing being right.
As I lighten up, I use laughter to make it through many of the rough spots.
I notice feelings are expressed and tension released when I laugh at myself.
Copyright 1991 by Suzanne E. Harrill
I am worthy of all the good and infinite abundance in my life. I accept myself exactly as I am, I am good. What I think of me matters most. Today I will only look within me to fill any void. I will be gentle with myself in all situations today. I respectfully share myself with others.
I allow myself to feel all of my emotions, they are all good. I will trust my instincts and have faith in myself. I do not let hurt develop into anger and ruin my future happiness. I am valuable and spending time alone is time well spent. I forgive all past experiences that hurt me. Where ever I am, I am always safe.
The Perfect Present
We learn from the past and we plan for the future. But it is a mistake to put all of our energy on either focusing on past regrets and disappointment or toward tomorrow's anxiety and worry. Why? Because the real reality is the present moment. Some people call this the perfect present. When we are fully present in the moment we don't worry about food or how much we weigh, or anything else. Instead we live each hour fully. We listen, and actually hear, when our children talk to us. We are awake and aware of the needs of others. Out of our spiritual energy we have lots to give. We are fully, blissfully alive in whatever we are doing each moment. Life is good.
Mantra for the day: Today I choose to live in the perfect present.
Today I use my creative skills to help me achieve my goals. |
Today I am gentle with myself. I look at the expectations I have for myself in a realistic fashion. I know what I am capable of and when I can stretch to expand the realm of possibilities. I create misery for myself by building unrealistic expectations. When there is no chance of achievement, dissatisfaction results. I refuse to build expectations that are a set-up for failure. I also view life realistically for others, expecting only that they are true to who they are. When I view situations grounded in possibility; when I differentiate between truth and reality; when I work towards possible expectations, I am living gently with myself and my neighbor.
Today I walk gently with myself and my neighbor. From The Book: 365 Affirmations for Hopeful Living, Patricia D. Brown guides you on a personal journey of Spiritual renewal of daily meditations
I open myself to the abundance of the universe I get what is due to me within my divine right Goodness and prosperity come to me I draw to me all that I will ever need All my needs are abundantly met I have unlimited resources at my disposal
I am devoted to my purpose here on earth |
I am devoted to my spiritual growth and fulfillment |
I dedicate my life to the power within me. Through dedication I unfold naturally to the highest potential of my being
I am in tune with myself and my divine purpose I live in harmony with my fellow-beings I create harmony and peace wherever I go I live in harmony with my environment |
I deserve to be treated gently I look after myself in a caring and gentle way I talk nicely to myself and others I treat myself gently and with respect |
I am responsible for my own life and decisions - I am free