Nancy L Wilson is searching for her birth daughter. Tina Marie Wilson she would be 33 years old. Nancy found herself pregnant during times when unwed mothers didnt have many choices. Her parent's made this choice for Nancy........and being a scared unwed mother, she felt no other choice but to follow her parent's wishes. On a winter day at Atalnta,Ga At Crawford W Long Hospital Tina Marie Wilson was born on March 17, 1966 She was 6lb/61/2 oz 18 inches long
Red hair blue eyes. The Doctor was Dr. Alabanza Previous to Tina Marie's Birth, Nancy was at: Florence Crittenton Home for unwed mothers in Chamblee, Ga
This is Nancy
Nancy L Wilson
has her
birth date on 12/28/47 (51 years old)
She has been searching for 3 years
She lives in Georgia
If you have any information leading to the location
of Nancy's daughter, please contact Nancy at:
Nancy states:
"My Parents Made me give her up for adoption and it
was the worst day in my life, but the only way I could show her that I loved
her was to hope that one day I would find her and let her know that that
was a act of love."
Nancy would truly love to meet her daughter, to hug
her, embrace her.....and have a chance to become friends.
Mom's Best Advice (author unknown)
Laugh. Think. Express your feelings. Especially your good feelings. Dream. Show your love. Look for the good. Smell the flowers. Take your Claretin. Walk slowly. Run. Laugh. Be real. Listen to the river. Swim in it. Relax in a hammock. Avoid toxic people. Climb mountains. Walk through meadows, gardens, and freshly tilled soil. Be positive. Look up at the stars, at the trees, to ideas and ideals. Touch gently. Go barefoot. Tell those you love that you love them. Speak freely. Care deeply. Explore the unknown. Act silly. Cry when you need to. Teach by being you. Live in each day. Walk in the sunshine. Walk in the rain. Slide across the snow. Believe. Laugh. Be a friend. Dance to your own music. Sing. Keep in tune with your heart. Watch the ocean. Love generously. Write your story. Live it. Ride a horse. Expect surprises. Ride with the windows down. Reach beyond your grasp. Worry not. Set goals. Pursue them. Respect. Take time for you. Think. Try. Plant seeds. Plant ideas. Seek the best. Feel deeply. Play. Climb higher. Take time for others. Walk in the woods. Be alive. Try to understand. Ask for help. Swing on the front porch. Give. Sit by the campfire. Try for the highest and best good for all. Hold on. Laugh. Choose friends wisely. Love loyally. Challenge yourself. Watch the storm clouds. Treasure memories. Trust. Aim higher. Touch lives. Be patient (troubles will pass). Love animals. Listen to the music. Enjoy work. Walk on the beach. Teach "your" children well. Be still. Look for the uncommon. Relish the present. Make mistakes. Celebrate wonder. Reach out. Think. Try new recipes. Watch fireflies. Laugh. Value yourself. Lead your life. Talk deep in the night. Gather flowers. Be a Tigger. Hope. Learn. Love. Laugh. Imagine. Live.
Enjoy each moment of your life.