I'd like to take a moment to explain...Share Your Heart started as an end Domestic Violence Campaign......it has revolved into a full complete END ABUSE campaign......as we all know abuse comes in many packages.....and none of them are pretty.....I am adding all abuse stories here.....because Share Your Heart....truly means speaking out about your life to teach others that abuse can stop!!!!
(Candice Botner)
(Melinda Lewis)
(Melinda Lewis)
(Melinda Lewis)
Abuse at the hands of a mother
Forgiving my On Again Off Again Dad
This next set of contributions is presented in a neat growth package......showing you that yes.......abuse will affect you.....and may set you on a destructive path....but at one point....you can travel back to the living. Author states:I have refered to this series of poems ... as my metamorphous ...
The Healing and Faith Poems and Karma(4)
Awesome Series.......Please Read! Thanks.....Barbara!