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Many sites have facts on stalking, we hope to give you more then facts! We hope to educate you, assist you, and teach you. But Mostly, we hope to offer you a place where you can feel assisted!
As a victim of stalking, you live in constant fear. Afraid to sleep at night, afraid to run to the store, afraid to answer the phone, because every where you turn, your stalker seem's to pop up. According to a recent study conducted by the Department of Justice, an estimated one million women and 400,000 men are victims of stalking. They are plagued by unrelenting pursuits, by people who harass them, terrorize them, and in some cases, kill them. A woman is 3 times more likely to be stalked than raped. The ability of stalkers to find their victims and harass them have been enhanced in recent years by the information superhighway. E-mail and the internet have spawned a new legal term: cyberstalking.
Being stalked is frightening, whether it is "cyberstalking" or "real life" stalking.
YOU ARE NOT ALONE! There is HELP! Stalking IS Against the law!
National Center For Crime Victims: Stalking Laws State by State
Did you know: Stalkers use several methods and instruments to harass and threaten their victims:
Computer (Internet/E-mail)
Following (walking/transport)
Going to the victim's home
Going to the victim's place of employment
Vandalism (tearing up the victim's garden/painting on the victim's property)
Analysts estimate that approximately 200,000 people in the country stalk someone each year.
About 5 percent of women in the general population will be victims of stalking at some time in their lives. Nationally, an estimated 4 million men will kill or violently attack women they live with or date and as many as 90 percent of women killed by their husbands or boyfriends were stalked prior to the attack.
139th Congressional Record S12901-01 (daily ed., Oct.4, 1993)
Who are stalking victims?
Most stalking victims are former lovers, former spouses, and spouses; however, some stalking victims are co-workers, neighbors, celebrities, political figures, or even strangers. With the huge increase in internet activity, more and more people are being stalked! Please remember, the same rules apply to the internet as does real life!
Traits of a stalker
Stalking behavior can be found in many people and stalkers come from all income levels. The experts say it is almost impossible to create a single profile for stalkers. However, most stalkers exhibit some shared traits or commonalities. These include intense interest in the media, an inability to develop meaningful relationships, a history of unsuccessful efforts to establish an identity, and a desire for recognition and attention.
Excerpted from STALKING: When Does Obsession Become a Crime?, by Christina Perez, American Journal of Criminal Law, Vol. 20, No. 2 (1993)
Help for Stalking Victims
The following organizations provide assistance to people who are being stalked:
The National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA) 1757 Park Road N.W. Washington, D.C. 20010 Phone: (202) 232-6682 Hot line: (800) 879-6682 E-mail:
2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 300 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: (800)394-2255 or (703) 276-2880
Survivors of Stalking, an organization that provides support for stalking victims P.O. Box 20762 Tampa, FL 33622 Phone: (813) 899-0767 E-mail: