Electronic Stalking


From the book:

How to Loose anyone/anywhere

By Michael Scott

Dave Banisar, policy analyst with the Electronic Privacy Information Center, says electronic stalking should be treated the same as physical stalking. "If it's considered stalking when you send mail through the US Postal Service or over the phone, the same kind of rationale should be used for electronic networks."

Few of us can afford to be without a phone, for in the modern world it has almost become a necessity to survive.

So what can be done to continue to have access to a phone, but still maintain privacy? There are many measures that can be taken to eliminate the unwanted phone call. So let us begin with:


This is often the first response to unwanted phone calls, but too often fails because of the ease with which the stalker can overcome this irritation.

This is not to say that this avenue should not be taken, for although not an impassable obstacle, it is an obstacle nevertheless. Any obstacle that can be placed in the path of a stalker is always an advantage. If nothing else it sends a clear message "I want my privacy, and you are not welcome in my life!"

There are numerous ways that the stalker can overcome this obstacle. As stated in an earlier chapter, anything can be bought at a price. There are few private investigators that could not obtain any unlisted phone number as long as they have a name and address. Such information thus can be made available to the persistent stalker as well.

However few stalkers need go to the extreme of hiring a private investigator to gain access to an unlisted phone number. Unwitting friends as well as businesses who have access to your number are often more than willing to give it out to the "long lost friend who hasn't seen you for years and will only be in town for another day." Or it may be as simple as calling your local bank and identifying oneself as Mr. York from Chase Manhattan, stating they have received a notice that you desire to transfer your account with Chase to their bank but need your phone number to verify some details in order to make the transfer.

Obviously then, the more individuals who have access to your unlisted phone number, the more listed it becomes, perhaps not in the telephone book, but in other books which you have no control over.

It should be noted as well that if you have relocated, calling an 800 number even when there is a recorded message will result in your name, address and phone number appearing on the companies phone bill, which they can now resell to others who make it their business to look for people. And although it is a federal offense to resell unlisted phone numbers, such laws have not guaranteed anonymity where unscrupulous people are involved.


Many individuals after having no success with an unlisted phone number have developed methods to screen their calls. This involves determining who is calling even before you pick up the phone.

One of the most common ways of screening calls is by way of an answering machine. Using this method one does not pick up the phone until they are able to identify the voice leaving the message on the machine. This also may prove to be an effective method as one can develop a log of the stalkers messages, as well as actual recordings of what is being said. It should be noted that unless the answering machine is turned off upon picking up the phone while the recorded message is in progress, the entire conversation will continue to be recorded. This once again can be an advantage in

having recorded evidence of the stalkers response to your verbal statements over the phone telling them not to call.

As regards your recorded message it may be advisable to have a generic message stating that you are not available to answer the phone at this time. These can be purchased or it may be advisable to have a friend whose voice is unrecognizable to anyone whom you would want to avoid to record your message for you. Preferably someone with a thick foreign accent or a southern drawl as this will really throw anyone who may be stalking you off track!

Another simple way to screen calls without the use of an answering machine is to request that those calling you call only at distinctive times during the day, or signal by ringing three times, hanging up and then calling back.


Caller I.D. or Caller Identification has also been a very effective way to screen calls. This device allows the receiver to see the incoming phone call name and number prior to answering. One simply answers only those numbers that are recognizable. Some calls that may come in may read "Unavailable." These are either unlisted phone numbers or the caller has accessed a special code to keep you from identifying their phone number.

This is referred to as the call blocking number. It may be a code such as *67 which is entered prior to dialing the actual number. It was primarily created to assist professionals such as doctors to keep their home phone numbers confidential from patients who may have Caller I.D., but may also be used by stalkers or you as a stalking victim to keep your number confidential. This code however does not keep the caller’s number confidential from the phone company. The Ameritech “Show & Telephone” will automatically hang up on any calls that are detected as “unavailable.” Such a phone can be purchased from Ameritech for around $250.

Another code that is available is the *69 code. This code is available from the phone companies to assist those who are receiving crank calls from unknown sources. It is available for a small fee from the phone company. This code makes it possible to call the unknown number right back after receiving the prank call in order to identify the caller. If the line is busy, it will call you back with a distinctive ring to let you know when you can get through, and upon picking up it automatically dials the number for you.

For more information on these special access codes, it would be advisable to contact the phone company.


Answering services also may be an excellent means of attaining additional security in communications. Perhaps the best.

An answering service works very simply by providing an operator to handle all of your incoming calls. You can either check these by means of a beeper which will inform you of the call as well as the number or calling into the service yourself.

By using an answering service technically one would not need to have a personal phone and number. Additionally, reputable answering services will keep your name and address confidential.



In considering communications that cannot be traced, it should be noted that other forms of communication can be.

Cellular and cordless phones provide the least amount of privacy, as all communica- tions take place over the airwaves which can be monitored by simply tuning to the cellular phone frequency on any police scanner, or in the case of a cordless, possessing another cordless on the same frequency.

Although a cellular phone may be a good idea as a purchase for a stalking victim as a means to call for help from any location, this compromising of privacy should be taken into consideration before using such a phone indiscriminately. Also, one’s address could possibly be traced through the cellular phone company. With the increased usage of computers as a means of communication, one should be cautious as to the communication options they choose to use if it is their desire to maintain secrecy as regards their identity as well as location.

On-line services offer some forms of communication which are confidential, but others which are not, depending on the service you subscribe to. E-mail is generally safe as long as you know whom you are dealing, as this form of communication is confidential.

Live chat rooms are not confidential and often post the actual name or E-mail I.D. number to any of the millions people who may be subscribers.

Never give out personal information when accessing such areas on computer, as cyber-stalking is becoming the latest tool of those who seek the emotional control of others who may travel the communications superhighway.


There are additional countermeasures that can be taken if one should receive an

unwanted phone call despite their best efforts to keep their phone number confidential.

The best response according to some sources is no verbal response at all. Stalkers who use the phone as their primary means of contact thrive on the emotional response of their victim. This is evident by some of the bazaar behavior and statements that they may engage in while on the phone.

However, any threat to your physical well being should be taken seriously, and it may be advisable to call the authorities as well as the phone company to report such threats and if necessary have such calls traced.

For those that are into high tech, and are willing to spend around $200, the portable telephone voice changer may be an option to consider. This device actually reconstructs your voice allowing you to have real time conversations in a disguised voice. One can even go from a male to female voice if they choose. Even your own mother will not recognize you! These can be purchased through private investigator catalogs such as Thomas Investigative Publications Inc., PO Box 33244, Austin, Texas 78764.

Another popular response to the unwanted caller is to purchase an emergency air horn. These are available at many stores and are used as a means to ward off an attack by strangers.

Upon receiving the unwanted phone call you simply whisper some inaudible meaning- less phrase into the receiver such as "trees like green cheese," drawing the callers ear closer to the receiver. Then you place the air horn on the lower part of the phone which you normally speak into and blast away! This has given many an unwanted caller second thoughts about calling again, as well as dispersing their ear wax. A good loud whistle also works quite nicely.

Whatever choices you make, communications that cannot be traced are truly possible if you apply the suggestions mentioned here. For those unwanted callers who may be persistent and get through anyway, try to make them wish they hadn't!