BaddTeddy on the Candlelight Vigil, 1999 pg. 3

Ribbons of Hope

Candlelight Vigil May 1999

Through the eyes of BaddTeddy

Click this thumbnail for larger picture

Photo Courtesy of Alan Detrich, Block News Alliance

I remember hugging and holding tight almost every person that came to the White House that night. Trying to share their pain, to make it mine, to relieve some of their burden. I saw Dee Thomas, Patty, Marta, Ric, SuzyWoo, and all the others from the net holding crying parents in their arms and each with of these people who had come to offer hope and support to the parents was now in tears also. Simply there were very few dry eyes in our new family.

Probably the images that got to me the most, were the images of those I had not known before. I had known what to expect with those that I knew. I understood there pain, and I understood their reasons for needing to release it. For this cleansing of the soul. This new beginning in the battle for the children. But now I was seeing people that I was meeting for the first time, and it was almost always the same. When someone,perhaps even a stranger, showed them a kind word, or a hug, suddenly that simple act of kindness released all of the pain within them, and allow it to flow outward in the form of tears.

I think the image that got to me the most, was of a woman I had never met, she looked so strong, like a beautiful young warrior princess, with the heart of a lady who only wanted to teach young children, to tell them bedtime stories, to tuck them into their beds. This was a woman of immense strength and a woman of great love. And she stood there looking at the other parents, whom she had only met that night for the first time, a look of such sorrow and pain in her eyes, and you knew in an instant that her children were among those missing, and yet she was desperately struggling not to cry. She was trying to be strong for her children. And she had not yet come to realize that sometimes in order to be strong tomorrow, you have to release the pain today, so you can start over again. As she struggled to find more strength, Dee Thomas and I took this god lady we had never met into our arms and held her until she could release her pain.

Shortly after this I held in my arms Audrey Sanders, grandmother of a little girl whose picture I had not found time to send out, as she released her tears for the first time in public for a little girl named Opal Jennings that you knew this lady loved with all her heart.

Other images come to mind. An image of Suzy Woo sitting in a wheel chair in front of the White House. Her shirt pinned with buttons and ribbons for the children. Parents of missing children on either side of her. Tears in her eyes, and yet, somehow I found that despite a physical limitation, Suzywoo had some perhaps that greatest courage, the greatest strength of us all. For it would have been easy for her to say to herself "I cannot go there, my body won't let me", or my doctor says stay home, etc. It would have been easy for her to say, I cannot afford the trip. Maybe she could have simply turned her back on the children like the President did. Maybe she could have said to herself, this will be to emotionally painful, I cannot handle it. But Suzy did not make excuses. Suzy did not turn her back on the children. And so, sitting there in her wheel chair, in front of the White House, covered in ribbons, love in her heart, all I could think was that this lady was a hero, that cared about people she had never met, children she had never seen, and that she was what America is all about. And not only America, but our effort all over the world. And that night, a lady in a wheel chair became a hero, not just to me, but to every person she hugged, held and showed she cared.

There were so many other images that came into my mind. There is Karen Ireland who is a reporter for missing children for APB NEWS ( which is soon to launch the countries first 24 hour missing children's channel. I remember how she became personally involved in the story she had come to write when I saw her holding one parent after another in her arms. Until her own tears began to fall.

There was the image of a large group of teenagers, perhaps fifty, that appeared out of nowhere, they took candles into their hands, put buttons and ribbons on their shirts and began singing with the parents. I'm not sure if anyone knew where they came from or why, but to the parents it made all the difference in the world.

Images of camera's rolling as a father finally loses his strength to hold back the tears. His body racked with tears of love for his little girl. Of people gathering to hold this strong man during the unstoppable show of love for his little girl.

And somewhere in the small crowd that had gathered around us were other people that had come to Washington to support the parents. People like Lee Ashmore (An attorney wanting to create new laws to help prevent child abductions) and a group of his friends who had driven hundreds of miles, just to spend a few minutes supporting the parents.

Some people steeped forward to say they were there to support the parents, and others simply stood in support. Like one young girl who wrote to me saying, I asked my mother to take me to the White House to support the children. And while we never told anyone who we were or why we were there, I just wanted you to know that we came to the Vigil to support the parents and their children, and that tears ran down my face because I had Ben expecting huge crowds of people, and then I saw how few people really care enough to come out and support the parents of missing children.

An image of Craig Deanto, who had been a pillar of strength throughout the vigil, who's own tears began to fall as he sang a song he had written called "Ribbons of Hope". (By the way, there is good news, Craig's songs "Who hears the cries of the Little Children", "Ribbons of Hope" and half a dozen others are going to be released on a CD with Walter Orange of the Commodores, Kim Thomas, and Craig himself later this year.) The true courage that was evidenced in all of this that it was OK to cry for the children, as long as later despite our tears, we regain our strength and became more determined to fight for the children.


One of the reporters who had come to Washington to support the children, was Alan Detrich who writes for the Block News Alliance and had done the story earlier this year on Maureen Dabbagh's 36 day fast for the children. He had made a special point of coming to Washington to support Maureen and all the parents. This man cared so much, he dropped everything else. To come do a story about the children.

Unfortunately, earlier in the day, Alan had been in the hotel and slipped down and fallen down the stairs. They had to take him to the hospital. His leg was dislocated. And he was in extreme pain. And when this happened there were just hours until the conference. He called Maureen from the hospital, she told him it was OK, that she understood completely that he was in pain and that he should take care of himself. But despite that he was in great pain, despite that they had not even pulled his leg back into the socket, he was still promising to try to come to the Candle Light Vigil.

That night, I saw an act of caring and compassion that I have never seen, nor would I have expected from a member of the media. Alan Detrich came limping up with a camera in one hand and a crutch other. His leg wrapped tightly in bandages. And although he winced with every step, he never complained. He simply took pictures to show the world that people care about the children.

There is no way to ever express the gratitude that I saw in Maureen's eyes when Alan came limping up. But I do know that she felt the same thing that I did, that this man was a hero, and this was truly a sign that members of the media were beginning to actually care about the children.

This picture shows Maureen and Voilaine in front of the White House,

What it doesn't show is the pain and courage of the man holding the camera

Allan Detrich, Block News Alliance.

Click this thumbnail for larger picture

Photo courtesy of Alan Detrich, Block News Alliance


I don't know how much of this will make it into the media. There were reporters, there were camera's, a film crew from CBS or ABC, and several camera crews making documentaries. Most likely what you will see on your television screens and in the articles will be the pain and frustrations, but what most likely won't be shown is the anger. Simply, it doesn't make good press. The reporters have their film footage, and now they have to write their stories. Already people in many states have reported seeing stories about the Candle Light Vigil on local TV stations, but we have not yet been given the release dates on any of the stories. While reporters are the ones that come to write the stories, it is the editors that decide when to release them, and often these decisions are made only days before the stories are printed or shown on television.

But during the final hours of the Candle Light Vigil, one documentary film crew finally had the courage to ask the hard questions... And so all the parents lined up facing the camera, with the White House behind them just over their shoulders while the reporters and I asked questions to the parents. Here are the questions we asked, and the answers that they parents gave.

How long have your children been missing...?

Answers ranged from a few months to fourteen years.

Has the President of the United States or the First Lady ever asked another country to help return your children or even offered to help?

Every single parent had the same answer, NO!

Has the US State Department ever made a formal written request for the return of your children

Again, the answer was no!

Has the US Senate ever asked for the return of your children?

Each of the parents in turn said no, until they came to Maureen Dabbagh who said that thanks to good people around the world, and the parents gathered there, Senator Robb had sponsored the first resolution in US History where our government asked another country to return an American Child.

Do you feel that the American Government is making an effort to help your children?



As the 1999 Candle Light Vigil for missing children drew to a close, there was much hugging as many of those who had come to support the parents had to leave. There was a new glow of hope in the parents eyes, because this year some people had cared enough to come out and help. There was a bound of love and friendship between people who only hours before had been strangers. A bond of friendship that will last a lifetime.

After the vigil, somehow, although it was not planned, almost all of the parents ended up in the same place. Just a little restaurant down the street. They all gathered at one table. A few people at first. Then a few more. Until finally the restaurant had to pull eight tables together to make one long table running from one of the table to another. And that night, I saw a bonding, and a healing take place. These people who had just hours before been crying, seemed to have been reborn. Now their talk was of hope. Hope for the future. How much better things had gone this year than last.

Talk of how even as they sat to dinner people around the world were preparing to help their children, people making banners, websites, sending newsletters, reporters writing their stories, editors splicing together the film. And also talk of people all over the country like Jamie Spalding, OneGirIUSO, of Virginia Beach. Jamie and her friends have asked Maureen Dabbagh and other parents of missing children to join them as they pass out flyers of missing children at the Coliseum Mall in the Newport/Virgina Beach area of Virginia (tentatively scheduled for May 22).

The feeling that I got at that table, was that I had been become a member of a family. We were no longer individuals. We were a family of good and caring people that would stand up for each other, regardless of the consequences. And I knew that night that every person at that table loved every other person there too. That we had shared something powerful, and we were now bound for life. And what truly made everything worth it, was to see the members of my new family, smiling and laughing as their hearts soared, because now they had hope for their children.


Before I tell you how you can help, I want to mention something (if I didn't already) that made it all worth it. During the conference, several children (sorry for their safety I cannot mention names) came in and sat down. I'm not sure if they knew why they were there, but every person in the building did. It was because they were what we were all fighting for. They were some of the children that came home. And there was not a dry eye in the house.


I just got confirmation. The TV show EXTRA will be airing a segment on Maureen, Pat and the Candle Light Vigil on May 27, 1999. Please check your tv listings for times in your local area (


Insight Magazine ( came out swinging today in their newest story in their effort to help free American children from kidnappers. Not only did they mention the the Candle Light Vigil in Washington, they blasted the US State Department for refusing to help American Children and for hiding the true story behind America's Missing Children. Insight has shown great courage in taking on the State Department to protect both children and parents. Now it's time for us to show our support. Please write to the editor of Insight Magazine at, and tell them you support them. ANd if you want to say something about how badly the US Government has treated the parents and children, send it to them, they are prenting many letters from people just like you on the Internet.


Due to massive lobbying over guns control, etc... this week, the phone lines have been absolutely swamped to all of the Senators Offices. Simply for over a week, all I have been able to get when calling Senator Robbs office has been a busy single. Today, miracously as I was beginning to send this, I was able to finally get an open line. I spoke to Kim Anderson, Senator Robbs Legeslative Director. We have wonderful news. Several more Senators have joined the ranks of supporting the children. Later this week, Senator Robb of Virginia will go down onto the Senate floor and make May 2000 National Missing Childrens Month. He will be joined by Senator John Warner of Virginia. Senators Evan Byah, Tim Johnson, and Bob Graham (Florida) will be co-sponsoring the resolution. YOur letters, calls and emails are making the difference. Finally, we are getting the support from the American Senate for the children. I asked them to change the paperwork to make the resolution for May 2000, instead of May 1999, so that next year the parents could come to Washington, already knowing that they have the backing of the people and the US Senate... And that they can use this to get more media to come to next years conference....YIPPEE!!!!!


For a year, I have been a member of two separate family's. One with all of you on the Internet, and one with the parents of missing children. During that year I have tried to be the bridge that brings those two family's closer together. To make them one.

I believe that final bridge will be built next year, because we are calling upon as many of you can come to a joint conference between these two family's. During May of next year (date undecided yet) there are going to be two conferences. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday there will be a conference on missing children with a Candle Light Vigil on Saturday night. On Sunday, there will be a second conference, this one for people all over the world who would like to work together to use the Internet to change the world. Our thought is that the people from the Internet can arrive on Saturday and join the parents on the final day of their conference and come to the White House, stay over one night at a hotel, and then the parents will be free to join the people of the Internet at the first ever "People of the Internet's Conference on How to Change the World". It will be a long time until we have exact details, but we are asking people to start saving their pennies now, so they will be able to afford to go next year. You can help the children and help change the world while only incurring one or two nights stay at a hotel.

At this years candle light vigil, other bridges formed as people from our online community came to Washington to support the children. Still more bridges were created as many of you handed out fliers, built websites, ran newsletters, went to your malls, created banners, wrote your Senators and so much more.

What I would like to see now is for all of us to become one big family, love and caring for each other and supporting the children. And so, I am asking each of you that would like to help, to write to the parents and say "I want to help the children".

Maureen has agreed that she will forward letters to the parents from anyone that is willing to build a website for the children. Simply write a letter to and put "I want to help the children" in the subject. She will then forward this to all the parents and they can then write back to you and they can send you pictures of the children for your website and/or your newsletters.

Next we would like you to add each of these websites for the children to

The Ribbons of Hope Webring for Missing and Abused Children, we need to create the worlds largest webring for missing children, so that each of the parents can approach reporters about their child, and show how that their child is part of this webring that goes around the word.

We would also like each of you to add your missing children's website to Ribbons of Hope........Web Sites For the Children so that these too can be shown to reporters and government officials. Simply there is strength in numbers, and we need to show the world how many people care about the children. Your website can be part of saving childrens lives and bringing them home safely to their parents.

You can find plenty of banners to show your support for the children at the following websites.

Ribbons of Hope Campaign


Ribbons Of Hope Banners

Ribbons of Hope Banners - Page 1

Ribbons of Hope Banners - Page 2

Ribbons of Hope Banners (Page 1)

Ribbons of Hope Banners (Page 2)

Ribbons of Hope Banners (Page 3)

More Graphics....Feel free to Use them!

Knights of Kindness and DragonSlayers - Homepage

More information on Internationally Abducted Children can be found at P.A.R.E.N.T

Ribbons of Hope, How to Participate

Ask your Senators to Support May 2000 as

National Missing Childrens Awareness Month


Click the link below and substitute your message of ours

Click Here for email/snail mail addresses for Senators


Senator ___________, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510


Dial the Senate Swtich Board 1(202)224-3121

Ask for Senator _______'s office

Tell them your reason for calling and they will connect you with a staff member who can help


Pictures and stories of the Candle Light Vigil will be sent to everyone as soon as the reporters give us dates and times. In the meantime, the parents have asked me to say something to each of you. And that is simply, "Thank you for caring enough to help us and our children".

And I can never thank all of you good people enough myself... Bigg Huggs... BaddTeddy

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