Woman's Support
Healing through Online Support

Do you have an online support group for women?

Should it be listed here?



Domestic Violence Abuse Support For Women:


Sexual Abuse /Child Abuse Support For Women:


Pickles Playground:


Kim's Survival Site and Support:


The following are different ways you can get in touch through E-mail with other survivors. Hearing someone else's voice concerning sexual abuse and its effects can offer a lot of healing.

1. Send a subscribe command to the Survivor Mailing List. E-mail listserv@psuvm.psu.edu, do not enter a subject-header and in the message area type subscribe survivor. The server will then let you know how to participate in the mailing list.

2. Send an inquiry to The_Courage_Mailing List at courage@asarian.org asking for information on subscribing.

3. Send an inquiry to the digest More than Survival by mailing recovery@wvnvm.wvnet.edu. In the message inquire about information on subscribing, the moderator will then reply back with the information you need.

4. Send an inquiry to The SADM Mailing List at soul@golden.net asking Laura for information on subscribing. This list is for SA survivors and those dealing with DID or MPD (if you are not DID or MPD but are dealing with sexual abuse you are more than welcome here. It is a wonderful mailing list.)

Mood Disorder Support:

A Light in the Dark


Behavior OnLine: The Mental Health and Behavioral Science Meeting Place

Borderline Personalities

Borderline Personality Center

Christians in Recovery

"Almost everyone has the need to recover from or overcome something in their lives. Christians in Recovery, Inc. (CIR) is dedicated to mutual sharing of strength and hope as we live each day in recovery. We work to regain and maintain balance and order in our lives through active discussion of the 12 Steps, the Bible, and experiences in our own recovery from abuse, family dysfunction, depression, anxiety, grief, relationships and/or addictions of alcohol, drugs, food..."

Compeer: "...a not for profit organization which matches community volunteers in supportive friendship relationships with children and adults receiving mental health treatment. "Compeer" means a companion who is also a peer or equal. Loneliness, failure, fear and loss of self-esteem are universal experiences of those who suffer mental illness. A caring friend can help to restore some joy and hope to a life that is often empty of both. (US,Canada,& Australia) "

Concerned Counseling

One in five Americans has some form of mental illness in any given six months. That means between 30 million and 45 million people, possibly your friends, family members and co-workers, suffer from symptoms that cause distress in their lives, but that can be effectively treated. You are not alone.

We have many people and resources on the Concerned Counseling website that can help you.



The Couples Place

If you seek love and commitment in your marriage or other couple relationship, Couples Place provides advice, professional help, education, skills, encouragement, support, new ideas, and community with other people, both couples and singles, married and not married, who value happiness and success in marriages and relationships and seek not therapy but practical solutions to partner problems involving communication, conflict, stress, sex, money, children, remarriage, stepfamilies and other issues of couple life.

Cyber Psychologist

"Reality Check for Worriers...For Procrastinators...For Parents...For Lovers"

Divided Hearts

"Divided Hearts is not only for those who experience Dissociation but for survivors in general and those who support them. Family members, friends, professionals, students and anyone interested in, learning more, making new friends, and helping out, are welcomed and encouraged to participate in all we have to offer here."

Hugs and Hope

Anxiety and Depression Support



Joey Support Group

"...you feel like your being turned inside out, all because you find out your son or daughter has A.D.D. or A.D.H.D. You're not a bad parent, but you feel like a terrible parent because you didn't see it ... "

Philippa's Problem Pages

"Free online support, all e-mails answered. Everything from toddler tantrums to transvestism discussed. Volunteer listeners needed."


information and support for family and friends of those with anxiety disorders

Survivors of a Broken Heart

Online Dictionary of Mental Health

Emotional Support on The Internet A very useful list of over 200 self help groups.

Kathy's Essential Information on Abuse, Assault, Rape & Domestic V...

- Callers can be connected directly to help in their communities, including emergency services and shelters as well as receive information and referrals, counseling and assistance in reporting abuse.

More Than Conquerors

More Than Conquerors manages online support forums created by survivors, for survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse/Ritual Trauma, Mind Control victims, victims of Mind Control Experimentation, Programming, and/or those facing a Dissociative condition to provide a caring place to be heard and believed.

AABig Book OnLine

Alcoholics Anonymous World Service

Growth Central

"The real solution for anger control, binge/compulsive eating, assertiveness, anciety/panic..."

The Madness Group -

"lists pages library chat and building, ...electronic resources for people who experience mood swings, fear, voices and visions"

Support Group Clearinghouse

Self-help groups are made up of people who share, in common, a stressful life situation. The groups provide support, encouragement, information and coping strategies. They are not therapy groups, nor are they solely recreational, social, or political action groups.

Blairs Quit Smoking Resources

ADD/ADHD Online Newsletter

A publication for helping children and adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.


The list itself was originally conceived as a safe place for people concerned with self-injury to speak the unspeakable. In a world where we're treated like freaks or outcasts as soon as anyone learns about our problem, bus stands as a place to find relief, support, and understanding. It's also evolved into a place for people to share tips about and work together toward recovery.


Autism Discussion List - especially for High-Function Autism (HFA) and Asperger's Syndrome.

ANI-L Autism International Network - for Self Advocates.

Our Place:

Autism/PSTD/Dissociative Support Chat Rooms "Childhood Neurological Disorders (particularily Autistic spectrum disorders), Response, Prevention and Surviving Traumas of ALL kinds, and Dealing with the Spectrum of Dissociative Disorders."


"Ernest Wolf of the International Council for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology raises the following questions: I have read about some on-line aficionados becoming 'addicted' to their - I shall call it - psycho-cyber-world."

Eating Disorder:

After The Diet Newsletter


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