Ribbons of Hope........Web Sites and Individuals Participating

Ribbons of Hope for Missing Children

Would you like to read about the May 1999 Candlelight Vigil for Missing Children? Please go here:

The May 1999 Candlelight Vigil.....thoughts and Prayers

Would you like to read about up-to-date information on Ribbons of Hope for Missing Children? Please go here:

BaddTeddy/Knights of Kindness Ribbons of Hope

Please let us know you have a banner displayed for Missing Children. You may get banners at the following places:

Ribbons of Hope Banners.....Thanks Christy

Graphics here by the talented SuzyWoo2

Banners displayed by Sasskittn......thanks Sass

Banners displayed by Denise..thanks Denise

More Banners for Ribbons of Hope thanks Denise

You May Also join the Ribbons of Hope Web Ring at:

Ribbons of Hope Web Ring.thanks Maria!

Ribbons of Hope Campaign

Web Sites Participating

Current Sites Supporting Ribbons of Hope:

Ribbons of Hope, The Campaign

Ribbons of Hope, The Story


Banner Displayed

Child Abduction Resource Center, Banner Displayed

Desiree's Hand of Hope in Love to the Little Girl, Banner Displayed

Banner Displayed

Precious NADIA

Make a Joyful Noise, Banner Displayed

CJP70@aol.com......Running Ribbons of Hope in her Missing Children Newsletter.

Love of Children, Banner Displayed

Hctubgod@aol.com......Adding Ribbons of Hope Banner to ALL her mail in support.

Ribbons of Hope Web Site

Happy Mother's Day

Home Page

Pam Ramsey's Professional Page

Woman's World

Knights of Kindness

Unity Editors Online

Phoenix Online Editors Group

CathieZoo's Animal Page

Michael's Pennies from Heaven

Heartbeat Ribbons

PomPom1009@aol.com, participating by sharing ribbons banner's in mail Sparky_2_4_85@yahoo.com,participating by sharing Ribbons of Hope at her school

Every second counts

Jen's house Survivor page

Ribbons of Hope

Empress 21's Dreamworld

Ribbons of Hope

Tribute to my USAF Husband

Home Page

Miss Rebs Home Page

Gidge's Home Page

smitdd20@aol.com displaying Ribbons at her home

Home Page for Children's Issues

Debbie's Homepage

FLKRIG4934@AOL.COM passing on information via the net.

Shewolf48@webtv.net adding Ribbons to her cars....and passing the word.

Maria's Web Page

Betty's Angel Page

Knights of Kindness

Print Master HomePage

isty-8@webtv.net will be participating within her town!

Free's Bears & Friends will be participating daily by adding our images and links on the main mailing. They are a embedded image trading club with lots and lots of Bears in embedded emails... to subscribe: Free08Brd@aol.com

BJ's World

TT's Link Site

Silent Tears Online Support Group(support for Domestic Violence and Divorce)

Click here for the sake of Missing Children

Beecher039's Favorite Places Page And she notes: Banners displayed on webpage and ribbons tied to car antenna

Update from BaddTeddy, Founder of Knights of Kindness, sponsor of Ribbons of Hope Campaign:

I can say this, theywere afriad we would not even be able to fill half the rooms maureen had booked. We thought she would get stuck paying $20,000 for unused rooms. Now the hotel is completely sould out. And they are swamped with calls. They are having to find people rooms at other hotels and even thouse are starting to fill up.

We have people going out to local malls all over the place. Most of them are just doing it without even telling us. I only hear about it when someone has a question, or someone else tells me about it, lol (No one wants to bother me with unneeded emails.

New Jersey's Governor just made May Missing Childrens Month as the result of letters from one of thepeople on our mailing lists (I got the fax and procalomation, it is real).

More sites:

Woman and Children.

Arlene's mail

It is a site to sign up for my newsletter on Jokes/links/freebies

Welcome To Life As I Live It

Deals with recovery and domestic violence.

The friendship homepage

Gary9687@aol.com...working in his town as well as emailing senators!

STREETFARM@AOL.COM in her town, promoting Ribbons of Hope and May as Missing Children's month!


Reddog and Super's Home

The Children Are Crying

Missing Children need Our Help

All Children are special and God's Gifts

Jim and Marina's Country Home Page

Personal Homepage

ADD Info Page

Backgrounds by Melaine

Rainbo2431 Homepage

jbirds@lcc.net will be participating within their town.

Rainbow's Home

A Dream Come True

CHEYENNE, WYOMING 82009 will be participating within the town

Margaret's Place

Joy's Helpful Resource Center

Ginzo88@AOL.com is sharing the Ribbons of Hope Information online via email.

Prents and Grandparents Page

Granny's Children's Page....Missing, Abused

CHARGIZMO@AOL.COM....supporting Ribbons of Hope

jujube7772@aol.com....supporting Ribbons of Hope within her town

comtsguy1@aol.com....supporting Ribbons of Hope in his town

jhentz@panola.com.....supporting Ribbons of Hope

Tippers, The Computer Assistant Web Site Great Place for Computer Help

alize544@aol.com....supporting Ribbons of Hope inher Town, Pa.

OneGirIUSO@aol.com will be at Newport News Virginia, Passing out Ribbons and Fliers May 29th from 10am til 5pm Hampton Coliseum Mall

Chris's Children's Page

In The Wind

sherres@webtv.net, Participating online

white_roses@hotmail.com, Participating online

International Child Abductions, Please Help!

Missing Children


Ceriddwen's Cauldron

Pixie Page


Tykay's Corner of the World

Fluffys Home

The Dyess Family Estate

Joyce Anderson, Participating

Thanks everyone for your hard work......It is paying off!

Submitt all Plans by emailing us with your URL at:

suzywoo2@aol.com?subject=Plans Underway, refered by Tina @ woman's world

To Find Ribbons of Hope Graphics:

Knights of Kindness Castle

ANY details or help you need, do not hesitate to email:


Add........Ribbons of Hope to Subject Line!


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