Links: This is a VERY comprehensive list of links, I apologize if some are repeats, I wanted to clearly list all I found!
Women's Studies Resources on the Internet
This list of sites relating to women is taken from a document sent to delegates to the U.N. 4th World Conference on Women (FWCW). Many of these sites should have information pertaining to grants and programs for women. If you find a site on the Internet which isn't mentioned here that you've found helpful, please mail us and we'll add it here.
At the NGO Forum in Hauairou, APC (Association for Progressive Communications) had organized women from 24 countries speaking 18 languages using 80 computers to train women from around the world around the clock on how to use the Internet. Igc.apc is the access provider for WomensNet, PeaceNet, LaborNet, EcoNet, etc.
American Council for Voluntary International Action website. U.S.-based organization of 150+ NGOs involved in international development. Links to members, related U.S. and U.N. agencies.
Global environment and development information/monitoring site. Covers U.N. and other world conferences. Publishes Earth Negotiations Bulletin. Find vol. 14, no. 21 for best reportage of conference and summary of PFA's disputed and final language. For 11-page hard copy contact me at above email address or telephone number.
Useful descriptive list of best picks in categories such as Women and Health, Women and Work, Global Feminism, Women in Politics, and Violence Against women. There is a master list of sites by issue area.
Good site to branch out from (logo is tree) but colorful packaging that comes with its engaging personality takes long time to download to screen. Topical lists/links, choice of high-interest highlights excellent. Related to Cybergrrls.
For legislative alerts, go right to the Action page.
Spearheading Women's Network for Change fax network, initiatives in educational equity. Local and state NOW and AAUW chapters also getting online.
Click onto the Women's Studies database, a comprehensive guide to how to connect with libraries, WS departments, conferences, etc.
Art and culture of women of the African diaspora, its other resources list has links to a broad range of African-American professional, political, and educational organizations.
Dedicated to getting more women online, site for swapping information on how to expand access, design sites and provide training to more women to us the net.
Philadelphia-based online resource and address for community, government, and business organizations in the Philadelphia region. Excellent support for non-profits going online, future home of the Philadelphia Beijing Delegation's statewide Beijpage.
Type in descriptive words of what you're looking for, get matches back.
List of women's and other progessive organizations on the internet around the globe.
Strong presence at U.N. conferences. Links to implementation worldwide, especially active in human rights. Located at Rutgers.
Bella Abzug's international organization. Moving force in "Linkage Caucus" before, at, and after Beijing. Good summary/analyses of PFA, is organizing PFA-based Contract with U.S. Women campaign at national and state levels, mobilizing internationally with other organizations to monitor performance of government commitments. Also contact through email or telephone 212.759.7982.
U.N. agency responsible for implementation/monitoring progress under PFA.
Download the legally-binding international treaty Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) here. The U.S. has not ratified.
Charged with implementation of U.S. Beijing commitments.
Non-partisan government and politics resource.
Women's Studies - Primarily US
Women's Studies - Politics
Center for the American Woman and Politics - Eagleton Institute of Politics, Rutgers University
Emily's List - A Political Network for Pro-Choice Democratic Women
Feminist Activist Resources on the Net - Sarah Stapleton-Gray
Resources for Women's Legal and Public Policy Information
Last updated 12/16/94.
League of Women Voters
A multi-issue organization whose mission is to encourage the informed and
active participation of citizens in government and to influence public policy
through education and advocacy.
National Women's Political
A national, grassroots organization dedicated to increasing the number of
women in elected and appointed office at all levels of government, regardless
of party affiliation. More than 50,000 women participate in the Caucus's
activities each year.
United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women - September 4-15, 1995 - Beijing, China
Women and Politics - WSSLINKS, Association of College and Research Libraries
Women Leaders Online & Women Organizing
for Change
An advocacy group created on the Internet in order to empower women in politics,
society, the economy, the media and cyberspace.
Women's Voting Guide - Women Leaders
Online Fund
This nonpartisan resource will enable you to compare your own positions on
issues important to you with your current U.S. Senators. In May 1998, votes
of your current U.S. Representatives will also be available. In time for
the 1998 general elections, you will be able to compare your positions to
the candidates for U.S Senate and House.
Ideas: Focus on Political Participation in Women