
I desperately needed a new look, something that would make me happy looking at it....and here it is, finally! I hope you will all like this look as much as I do and I want to thank all who have made graphics etc. for me. I do hope you will have a good time and that you will sign my guestbook!

Font used is Scribble, download here!

nestbar.jpg (6892 bytes)

About me LOTH links Bats Fairies
Pictures Region #24 awards Bci dragons
Writings Webrings mousetrails Bat-ring spiritpage
My Garden Memberships postcards adoptions ....
My pets Gifts from friends .... .... ....

nestbar.jpg (6892 bytes)

nestgstbk.jpg (4855 bytes)nestemail.jpg (4547 bytes)nesthme.jpg (4434 bytes)

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nestplgrph.jpg (7122 bytes)

Thank you for such wonderful design PeeLee!