Causes I support..

Places I have found on the web that really touched my heart or I have personal experience in.

Please visit these sites too!

In remembrance of the tragedy in New York City - September 11, 2001

My dear friend  Sherry   works for Avon. She is a member of the President's Club.

She is who told me about this cause

Join the Crusade

This one means a lot to me since my grandmother is a survivor of breast cancer!

I have also survived my own fight with cervical cancer so anything to do with cancer causes does touch my heart!

On that note please visit this site


Join the fight to end violence against women

Support our troops in Kosovo


Ok so this one is comical <g>


Meet Hayley, she is my adopted Woobie. Click on her to get your own.

I adopted Hayley to stand guard over this page. Protect my causes that mean a lot to me.

Thanks Hayley!

*I saw this campaign on another site and it interested me so here it is on mine*

People take cattle for granted. The average person consumes about 80 lbs of beef and over 170 quarts of milk a year, but not many people think of the cattle that supply it. Dairy products, meat, leather, medicine, and MANY other products are all produced by our wonderful bovines, but they rarely get the recognition that they deserve.

Take a moment to imagine how the world would be without cows like Socks.

Don't take them for granted anymore, show your gratitude, join the

Cow Appreciation Campaign





This is my guardian angel Nana. I adopted her and named her after my Nana

Please click on her to adopt your own :)

Also if you see *Nana* on any of my other know someone loving is looking out for you!


I made this ribbon in memory of my nephew.

If you or someone you know has lost a teen or child to suicide, please take this ribbon and add it to your site.

Let's stop teenage suicide

Before you leave!!




Thanks for visiting my causes page.

I'm sure I will add to it as I find more causes that catch my eye

Below are my links to all my pages on this site.Please feel free to visit them !


Home  |  Welcome   |   Recover from Depression |

 Visit my photo Room | Visit my Nana's Memorial|

 Get your AOL Tips here !! |  My oldest daughter's page

 My youngest daughter's page  |  Give credit where is credit is due !

Awards I have Won! | My OLD Guestbook | Webring page

Playing - Beatles * In my life*