Hello! My name is Pam and
I am a stay at home mom of two wonderful girls. In June of 1997 I started
a battle with depression. I thought the battle would never end but I learned
so much when fighting depression. In January of 1998 I was having feelings
of suicide, now a year later I am off medication and doing great! One thing
I learned that everyone needs to know is that depression *IS* a disease and
it can be beaten with the help of a therapist and medication.You too can
make it to the light of the tunnel.
What I think is most important
to know is that having depression doesn't mean you are crazy. I have explained
to many people that I am like a diabetic. Except I don't need insulin, I
need serotonin. And instead of a shot daily, I take a pill. Now think about
that for a minute. Makes sense doesn't it ? There is no difference really
except how the disease works and affects each of us. Just like anything in
life we all are different and depression comes in many forms and we all react
differently to medications and treatments. Just because one person had great
success with a drug doesn't always mean that you will. Sometimes it takes
time to find the right drug for you. But it will happen, have faith! And
the help of a good therapist is important also. If you don't have one, get
one. If you don't like the one you have or don't feel comfortable with that
doctor, find another one. That is your right as a patient.
Depression is a disease that affects millions of people, most never get treatment
and suffer silently. I am here to tell you this isn't how you should live.
Depression can be beaten. I have healed so much over the past 2 years with
the support of wonderful friends and family. I also hosted a chat when I
was a host at Moms Online. Depression is such a crippling disease. But you
can recover :) Below are many helpful links to web pages and books that you
can buy Online. I hope this helps you. Also, please remember that you aren't
alone in this. If you or someone you know suffers from depression, please
see a doctor. One thing to keep in mind, is that you can never know to much
about depression. One of the main things that helped me was reading about
it, researching it and becoming familiar with it. I advise that even if you
are in therapy that you do the same thing. Be active in your recovery!
Along with depression I
am also a survivor of cervical cancer and domestic abuse. These times in
my life have given me strength and as a result I have become stronger from
them. If you or someone you know is being abused, please..end the violence.
I hope the links below will be helpful for you. Please let me know
if you have any links that you think I should add in the effort to help others.
Thank you ~
Every now and then we all need some support. Whether it be a kind word, an sympathetic ear, or just a small prayer. Now with the Wellesley Partners In Support you or someone you know can have just that.
Learn how to diagnose childhood depression
Books you can buy Online
at Amazon.Com
(these are direct links to books)
Living Without Depression and Manic Depression
Adolescents Coping With Depression Course
The Depression Workbook : A Guide for Living
The Freedom from Depression Workbook
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