One day there was a little task
God wanted me to do,
But I said, "Lord, you'll have to wait
I've got no time for you."
"I have a litle child to raise,
And prices are so high;
Besides, we've found a house and lot
We thought we'd like to buy."
So I took on some extra work,
No church-I was too tired.
But I got up on Monday morning,
I had to-or get fired!
Then I said, "I'll have to use
The money I owe You.
I have so many creditors
Whose bills are coming due."
And so I went along for years
With never a thought for God;
Until one day my little child
Was laid beneath the sod.
The lovely home we'd bought for her
Seemed empty now-so bare.
In anguish then I turned to God
And cried, "It isn't fair
"That you should take my little one
And cause my wife these tears;
When we have been so happy here
These few short, busy years."
'Twas then I heard the voice of God
Come ringing in my ear-
"I called upon you once but then
My cry you would not hear.
"Now in your grief you cry for Me,
'Why must this sad thing be?'
Your little child became your god,
She took the place of Me."
Oh my dear friend, find time for God,
In everything you do.
If not, you'll find that one day He
Shall have no time for you.
                                             -Jane McGinley-

Since July 3, 1998