Every link on this page is a "must see" site ! Please take time to visit them. Just click on the star to visit each website.

National Alliance of Families for the Return Of
America's Missing Servicemen

Operation Just Cause (YOU can help bring our POW's home, too!)

All POW/MIA Site - (for not only Vietnam,
but also Korea & World War II.)

The POW Network - Great site !!! Has biographies
of all those declared prisioner of war (POW), declared missing,
presumed dead (PFOD), Killed in Action/Body Not Recovered
(KIA/BNR), died in captivity (DIC), escapees, and returnees -
includes civilians and foreign nationals. Also much more !

The Meadow Years - Gunny's cool site !
Vietnam, and his reflections of the 60's and 70's, etc.

Doc's - This site is huge & terrific !

The US Government POW/MIA database - HUGE !

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial (The Wall) in
Washington, D.C. This site has a huge database and much more !

Vietnam Veterans Homepage - Great Site ! Has a memorial page
for the women who served in Vietnam with poems and stories by
soldiers & families.

"Mom's site with great links, a
message board, and MUCH more. This
site is a must see !

This position once had a link to former POW Colonel Ted
Guy's excellent website. On April 23, 1999 Colonel Guy passed away.
In place of that link here's a link to a beautiful tribute to
him and the work he did on behalf of veterans and POW/MIA's.

Read about Pete Matthes from his brother's page. Shocking !

In Memoriam to Vietnam POW/MIA's -
Prepare to stay awhile here... good reading !

War Stories Site - This site has alot of interesting
stuff.... stories, message board, a huge collection of
poems and lots more !

Sons and Daughters In Touch - National Website
This is a great site by children of POW's and veterans.
Lots of personal tributes... Must see !!!

The Vietnam Casualty Search Page

Dusty's Page (She was an Army Nurse stationed in
Vietnam.) Great Poems and links !

Veteran Net - Employment & Resource Service links
dedicated to veterans as a tribute.

Operation Recovery Homepage...

These teachers are amazing ! They are taking the time
to teach their students about veterans and has various public
service projects for veterans... they set an example for all of us to
follow. A must see at this site is the letters to the children
written by veterans.

Post Traumatic Stress Resources Webpage - Links to professional
information on PTSD.

Poems by ArmyMom... this woman is tremendously talented
and I'm sure she speaks for many people through her
poems. They touched me deeply.

Check out the outstanding home on the net for the 240th
Assault Helicopter Company !

Visit Arthur DiDonna's site... he's a Vietnam Vet who has a page about the American Flag, about his adopted POW, a tribute to his deceased family members who served in the military and alot of great links.

Lest We Forget

Use the forum to find a lost buddy or express YOUR feelings about anything relating to the Vietnam War or the unresolved POW/MIA issue. I lost my old forum so if you placed a message there please add it to this new forum, too. Sorry for the hassle !


Oh dear - no Java!!!!
Downtown Dallas
This site created in Dallas, Texas in Aug. 1998.

I know I have graphics around here made by this
talented man so here's a link to his patriotic
graphics site !

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