As we move through life, we continually redefine who we are and what we stand for through our choices. Indeed, there are times a person can not hear our words because our actions speak so loudly. The words we speak and the manner in which they are spoken do have their effect. However, the words are only a small portion of the whole. Sometimes they are not even a true reflection of the self (either because we are duplicitous or merely poor communicators).
A virtue to be highly esteemed is humility. It grants a solid foundation for the pathway we take through life. For example, let us talk about the right attitude to take when going up on Hanblechia (Vision Quest). There are many reasons to go up on Vision Quest. However, all the right reasons to go up have one thing in common: humility. This is to say a lack of ego in any way. You need to know you are not going to be making yourself more important by going up. You may be going up on the hill because a family member is sick or because you seek direction, but never to raise yourself in importance to The People. This is the wrong reason to go up and there will be a heavy price to pay.
We need to periodically ask ourselves some probing questions: Am I living my life in a way that serves all of my relations putting their welfare first? Are my prayers for the welfare of others rather than myself? The important point is to consciously make an effort to not pray for yourself first. It is hard not to think you have the biggest problem. It is very hard not to do that. However, the point is you are trying. This attempt is what will make you different from many people. Many folds talk a good talk, you know they say 'bla bla bla bla...,' just empty words. This just does not cut it. Praying for others is something you need to do. It is not an option.
When a person is raised in a traditional way, that person is taught certain things from a very young age. Since I was my son's age (two years old), my Dad has been teaching me:
Think of everybody else first.
Pray for everybody else first.
Your life is not your own.
You are going to be living for everybody else, so you need to pray for eveybody else.
Don't worry abut whether other folks are praying for you.
Creator will pray for you if no one else does and he will give you the things you need.
Those who are raised by truly traditional people to walk the road of life in a good way are also humble when it comes to who they are and where they stand in respect to all our relations. This time, I am not talking about just our relationship with the four leggeds, creepy crawlies and winged ones. I am talking about other two leggeds. People who are traditional in every sense of the word are not racist in any way, shape or form. Traditional people do not care about the color of your hair, eyes or skin. You can be a Martian and if you want to come into the Inipi, you are welcome. If you are drawn to be a Sundancer or Pipe Carrier adn you go about it in a good way, you are welcome.
On the other hand, those who have not been raised in true humility along traditional pathways, often hold expectations and prejudices as to what it takes to follow these ways. Sometimes, they think your skin and hair needs to be a certain color. I think for the most part, people who are like that are angry at the world for the way they perceive they have been treated. Rather than respond as a true traditional in humility they lash out. It has always been easier to lash out at those who do not look the same as us. Sadly, these folks do not realize that physically looking alike does not make our hearts the same. They need to ask themselves, 'what is the color of Creator?'
Let us look at another example of living in true humility. Let us imagine you see that the grandmother who lives next door needs to have her grass mowed. After you have mowed the lawn, do you let her know that you did it, for the purpose of receiving a 'thank you'? Further, if that 'thank you' does not come, do you still feel good about mowing the grandmother's lawn?
If I do a healing and the person does not acknowledge me or give me a gift, I feel the same. I feel just as good about it. I do not need praise or recognition.
The key is internal direction. We need to focus on the Creator and approach others without pride or pretension.
Do not look for people to defer to you when you enter the room.
Do not be concerned about your standing in the community.
Do be concerned that you live your life in balance with the world.
Fools Crow has said, "We come and go, but the sacred hoop was turning before us, and if we do what Wakan Tanka wishes us to do, it will keep turning after we are gone."
My prayer for you is to walk lightly upon The Breast of Our Mother. Live in this way and your choices will move you to the center of life where all the colors merge into The Heart Of Wakan Tanka.