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Sweat Gazette
Summer 1997
American Community
Keeping Commitments
By Rick Bratcher
Webster's Dictionary defines commitment as a promise
or pledge to do something. Whether by choice or circumstance, commitments
make up a big part of our everyday life. They include responsibilities
such as caring for children, spouse, or elderly parents. Common commitments
include for many of us punching a time clock, volunteer work, or even agreeing
to write an article.
Got the picture! Commitments are endless to
quote a shoe company ad that is popular now, " Just do it! "
So many times, commitments completed go unnoticed or unappreciated.
Don't be discouraged. If promises are kept just for the praise garnered,
you will frequently be disappointed. Even if the praise is forthcoming,
all you get is words.
If you make a commitment and do not keep it, you are letting down
those to whom the promise was made. However, you are letting yourself
down even more. What does lack of commitment say about your character?
Many make commitments with the best of intentions, but without a practical
or feasible means of fullfilling the promise. Be cautious to not
bite off more than you can chew.
Of all the commitments you will make in your life, none is more
important than the one you make to your spiritual path. I have heard
it said, " It is not so important how you pray. It is important that
you do pray. "
Rick Bratcher - 1997
The real people are fortunate. they
have been given a path to creator's heart that is simple, pure and good.
At various times, wakan tanka has shown the
people how to walk in a more perfect way along this red road.
Many many years ago the people were taught
about the sacred pipe.
Commitment to the way of the sacred pipe
has benefited all the people.
This is the story of how white buffalo calf
woman brought the sacred pipe to the people...
Drawing by Josephine Fire Lame Deer
As our story unfolds, the summer sun is high in the sky and the
world is beautiful. The mother Earth is clothed in all her finery:
iridescent blue water and sky, green hills pulsating with life, and flowers
in rainbow colors on her breast.
Two men of the real people have been sent out hunting. Despite
the beauty of our Earth Mother, it is a time of famine. Many families
depend on these two men to bring back food for the people or they will
perish. Coming to a hill top, they look out and see something approching
from the west. First it looks to be a buffalo.
Now they realize, it is a woman. She moves like wind through
the grass, flowing as though she floats above the earth rather than walking
hard upon it. Her eyes are deep pools of warm light, holding the
men transfixed. Her skin is the color of the rich earth. She
is beautiful. She wears soft white buckskin, finely decorated.
Her dark hair flows down loosely. It moves in the warm summer wind
like it is slowly dancing about her. A section of hair on the left
side is tied with buffalo hair . She wears a bundle on her back.
In her hands is a fragrant fan of sage leaves. One of the men knows
in his heart that she is a Holy being so he stands and waits respectfully.
The other man sees her only as an object of lust and runs forward
to possess her. As he draws close to the woman, a cloud envelops
them both. When the cloud dissipates, the woman stands alone with
a pile of human bones at her feet.
Turning now to the honorable young man the woman speaks.
She tells him to return to his people and prepare for her coming.
She gives detailed instructions on how to prepare a tipi with a sacred
earth alter inside of it for the meeting.
With haste, he returns to his people and tells then of the White
Buffalo Calf Woman he has seen in the hills. Preparations are made
to receive her with the sunrise.
Early the next morning, as Wi is just beginning his assent
into the sky, she comes to them in a sacred manner. In her hands,
she carries the sacred pipe. The pipe stem in her right hand and
the bowl in her left hand. Having no meat to give the sacred woman,
the people offer her sweetgrass dipped in water.
Sitting in the honor seat, in the tipi, she shows the people how
to pray with the pipe. Lifting it to the sky, pointing it to the
earth, and pointing it in the four directions. She tells the people,
" With this Holy Pipe, you will walk like a living prayer. " She
goes on to say, " Wakan Tanka smiles on us, because now we are as one.
Earth, sky, all living things, and the human beings, are one big family.
This pipe binds us together. It is a peacemaker. " The sacred
woman further speaks specifically to the women and children before it is
time for her to leave.
She leaves in the same direction from which she has come.
She sings, " Niya taniya mawani ye. " This is to say, " With
visible breath I am walking. "
John Fire Lame Deer in his book, Seeker of Visions
has much to say about her song.
' This has a deeper meaning if one thinks about it for a while.
First, niya taniya means not only breathing and breath, but also
being alive and life itself. It means that as long as we honor the
pipe we will love, will remain ourselves. The thought of " visible
breath " can be taken as the smoke of the pipe, which is the breathof our
people. It also reminds us of the breath of the buffalo as it can
be seen on a cold day. It underlines the fact that for us the pipe,
man, and the buffalo are all one. '
The commitment we make to the sacred pipe, marks
a clear path for us through this life. It is not always easy, but
it is a way of beauty and balance. Of all the commitments you make
in life, your spiritual path is indeed the most important. Think
long and deep on the path you would walk on our Mother the Earth.
With prayer and fasting, choose the way that is right for you. Then
be strong. If you choose the way of the sacred pipe, much will be
given. Do know, much will be expected as you will be living for all
the people.
Please sign the Guestbook while you are here.
" It is not always the easier route that will get us where we are going.
~ Red Moon ~
The beautiful wolf applet you see above is from Bearchele Graphics. They have some really wonderful things there! Person thanks to Bear and Michele for helping me to get it to work on this page. I hope to be using more of their wonderful things in the future for you to enjoy...
Thanks again Bear for taking time to help me.
~ Miranda ~
The background on this page came from
~ Desert Wolf
The bars and buttons on this page came from
Page design by
~ Miranda ~