Hobbit's Gallery

Happy Halloween
Happy Thanksgiving
Merry Christmas
Happy Valentine's Day
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Nature Sets
From the Sea
Cartoon Characters
Smiles :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Disney Et. Al.
Colored Background Tiles
Dragons, Fairies and Wizards
Precious Moments

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These graphics are provided free by me as a service. If you decide to use these graphics I would appreciate a link back to my site from the page that the graphics are used on. I have included a matching graphic at the bottom of all of the graphics pages for you to use and link back to me. Please link it to <a href="">
<BR><IMG SRC="imagename.jpg" BORDER=0 WIDTH=00 HEIGHT=00></A> Where the imagename.jpg = the name of the hobbits graphics image at the bottom of the image pages. Please also send me an e-mail at Hobbit letting me know that you are using my graphics.

I reserve the right to refuse the use of my graphics on sites that are not of a family viewing rating. The sites must be 100% clean.

Please do not link to my pages, you must download the graphics from my pages to your hard drive and then upload them in to your web pages directory. Right click on an image, choose save file as, then put it in a directory in your computer then upload to your web page.

All graphics were made using public domain images. If you feel that you are the original designer of one of the original images, please contact me.


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