" Friends Helping Friends"
   Me Starting Rehab
My name is Kitty I am in recovery for an eating disorder,alcohol,and drug abuse. I have been in therapy for several years for these addictions among other disorders.
There have been days that it has been very hard for me to even want to live. If it hadn't been for my therapist,who is kind, caring ,gentle,and very very good at her job I don't know if I would be here today! She is also the facilitator for an eating disorder support group that is helpful to several people. It is too cool that she cares enough about people with eating disorders to take one night out of her busy week to have this meeting. I am really thankful for my therapist and friends who have been so supportive they have helped in so many ways,it is unbelievable. It is hard to believe there are people out there who really care for someone like me. I am not alone like I wanted to believe.
Through AA,CA,SA,my therapy, friends and the eating disorder support group I am beginning to want to live. I am learning that I'm not a bad person and not every thing is my fault! I have made my web pages hoping I can be of help in some way to other people would like to share some of my strength and hope that has been given to me by some of my very dear friends. So come on in and take a look around. I hope my pages will be helpful to you. I hope you will feel free to visit some of the other links I have put on my pages.
" My Favorite Saying"
Yesterday is History.
Tomorrow is a Mystery.
Today is God's gift.
That's why it's called

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