Please Don't Drink and Drive!
In 1999

Decide to be a Spiritual Person

Render others spiritual

Irradiate your spirituality

Treat every moment of your life

with divine respect

Love passionately your God given,

miraculous life

Be endlessly astonished at your brief,

breathtaking consciousness of the universe

Thank God every moment

for the tremendous gift of life

Lift your heart to the heavens always

Be a cosmic, divine being,

an integral, conscious

part of the universe

Contemplate with wonder

the miraculous Creation all around you

Fill your body, mind, heart and soul

with divine inspiration

Know that you are coming from somewhere

and that you are going somewhere

in the universal stream of time

Be always open to the entire universe

Know yourself and the heavens and the Earth

Act spiritually

Think spiritually

Love spiritually

Treat every person and living being with

humaneness and divine respect

Pray, meditate, practice the art

of spiritual living

And be convinced of eternal life

and resurrection


Dear Friends,

As we enter out with the old,  and in with the new

we are given a chance to find peace again.

I truly believe we need to look at our neighbor

with smiles.

We need to judge less and share more.

We need to demand less

and offer more.

A fine thing about the internet is, people do not

judge on appearance.

Let's bring that example to real life.

How often I see people turn their nose because

the person is not dressed right,

the skin color is not the same,

the mom drives an old car,

the dad works as a laborer

the child's neighborhood is not all american new

Maybe just once, if we all stopped in our tracks,

and looked around,

we may find,

the person we snubbed our nose too, is someone who could have made a difference

in our lives.

Let's not judge other's in 1999.


let's judge ourselves.

Are we someone who offers a friendly ear.

A warm smile.

A nonjudgemental friendship?

Please dear friends,

a difference can be made,

if just us kind internet people

would reach out to others,

we could set an example.

We can be the blossom.

Love others.

Respect others.

Do not judge.

Only offer kind words.

Begin with Peace.

You will find your own life more peaceful.

God Bless You

May 1999 be the beginning of something truly


Prepare now in 1999 for the Peace 2000


Start today for a Peaceful tomorrow!

Peace On Earth

I pledge to Make A Difference in 1999

10 Vows to Participate:

1.) Display the Peace Banner

on your web site! (on bottom of this page) and link it back here.

2.) Agree to take time everyday to smile at a stranger

3.) Volunteer at least one time in 1999

4.) Remember to always use "Please" and "Thank you"

5.) Call loved ones more often,  and remind them how special they are.

6.) Step back and take a deep breath before allowing anger to speak.

7.) Remember Mother Nature:  Recycle, Redistribute, ReUse

(Redistribute unwanted items to those in need)

(reuse plastic containers for saving leftovers)

8.) Read at least One really great book on spiritual awareness

9.)  Find inner peace

10.) Spend more time with your family,  really paying attention

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Link it back to this page,  thanks!

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