The Awards I Give

These are the awards I give out,to apply for any of them,E-Mail me with your name,URL,and which award you are applying for.All sites must follow the rules below.

I belong to the
Index of award giving sites

1. Sign my guestbook.
2. No adult material located anywhere on your site! Must be kid friendly.
3. Your site can not put down others because of Race,Religion,Sexuality,or beliefs.
4. It must be more than just a page of links !!!
5. You must provide a link back to my website on your page.
6. Most of all I have to like it !!
7. Under each award might be more rules which apply to that award.

No broken links,and easy to navigate.

For those sites I just think are soooo cute.

Must be a family webpage.

Must be a fantasy site.

Must be a site made for your kids.

For sites that have a memorial to a loved one.

Special award for sites I fall in love with.

For sites with POW/MIA pages.

For those sites which enlighten people about the lord.

For those sites that aren't afraid to show how much our mates mean to us.

Win my award

Full First Name:

Middle Name:

Last Name:

Your email address: (e.g.:

What is the name of your site?

What is your URL?

Which award are you applying for?

did you sign my guestbook yet?

Tell me a little about your site and why you think it deserves an award

FREE feedback form powered by FreeForm

email me if you would like to.

The background on this page
was made by my hubby,
Please do not steal it
If you want some e-mail him
email me if you would like to.