Ed Leonard - 11/14/00 23:03:00
My URL:http://www.operator-98.com/usafsslite/
My Email:scribe@operator-98.com
How did you find this page?: Your url on my guestbook
Red, Took me a while to get an opportunity to visit your site. The url you left on my site had a typo, so I was unsuccessful on first attempt, but finally came back and figured it out. Didn't see anybody I knew among your pix, but enjoyed them anyway. I always search for familiar faces, just in case we might have served with some of the same folks at different times. Nice site. I enjoyed it.
Bill Marqus - 10/16/00 18:55:09
My Email:wmarqus@itouchcom.com
How did you find this page?: Searching the web.
I was also on the Softball team that went to Naples and won the tournament. I was lucky enough to hit a home run in the 1st game that Bill Byrd pitched and we won 2 to 1. I played 1st base on the team, but was a catcher in the base league.
Frank Bergin - 10/07/00 05:44:54
My URL:http://6986thrsm.homestead.com/Home.html
My Email:knarf39@ix.netcom.com
How did you find this page?: From your entry in my guest book.
Enjoyed the USAFSS section of your website, with the photo's. Me, I am an ex-ditty bop and FLR-9 operator.
Steve Poirier - 10/03/00 03:15:57
My Email:SteveLPoirier@cs.com
How did you find this page?: SVASAA
I enjoyed viewing your site. I was in San Vito from 6/67 to 12/68. I was an X-1 on Dog flight and knew Benny Pennell. I played 2nd base on Dog's fastpitch softball team when Clark Hall played shortstop. My nickname was "Bearman". I also played on the
base team with Billy Byrd in 1968 when we won the USAFE Championship. Your site brings back some great memories.
Gary Kelley - 09/15/00 03:23:39
My Email:gpk@prodigy.net
How did you find this page?: from San Vito Alumnis
Like your site. I was at the Martina Franca Radio Relay site from Aug66 to Aug68 with CMSgt Billy Byrd. I was at Udorn 432CES from Sep69 to Mar71, at the same time you were at Ramasan. Small world!
Robert Hooks - 09/07/00 04:28:02
My Email:bbhooks@eatel.net
How did you find this page?: San Vito Alumni Member list
I was a 361x0 (Antenna Maint) stationed there in 63-65.First 361 ever to maintain the Elephant Cage Antenna.Thanks for the web Page. I would like to hear from anyone from that era. bh
Henry Barthel - 08/28/00 14:07:46
My Email:HBar241753@aol.com
How did you find this page?: from my page 8/28/00
I got up on your site from my site 8/28/2000. Just trying to see if it still works
Charlie Millsap - 08/18/00 19:17:28
How did you find this page?: surfing
Good site!!! Would like to have seen more about6947th. I was there in 69-70 before going to
TanSonNhut(6994th). left USAFSS in 75but still try to keep up with afew folks.
Billy Byrd, CMSgt - 08/11/00 22:13:19
My Email:w4ycm@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Thru San Vito Alum Site
Found your page very interesting. I was assigned to Martina Franca radio relay site as SIte Chief Jan 67-Aug69. Played little fastpitch softball with 6917th and was on the base team when we took USAFE champs in '68. The pictures are very nice and bring b
ck many pleasant memories of your people at S. Vito, especially Col Ericksn
Mary Ann - 04/14/00 23:33:31
My Email:Mtomarelli@aol.com
Very nice. Thanks for sending it to me.
Ham Barthel - 04/14/00 19:05:17
good job reds I'll have to spend more time browsing later. (I got triple 7's on the slot!)
loollamama - 04/06/00 16:40:46
My Email:lrtr@ucnsb.net
How did you find this page?: followed link
I enjoy playing on one-arm bandit. Just practicing, for Monday!!
Henry barthel - 04/03/00 01:10:00
My Email:HBar441753@aol.com
How did you find this page?: with yuour help
Hi Reds. I finally made it here. I have JURY duty.