If you would like to use any of these works, please contact me at:

Lyrics Granted

A collection of Parodies I've written
These most of the upper half of the lyrics on this page were anti-Bush parodies written during the 2002 to 2004 campaign, and granted rights to Act Now and other organizations.

Lyrics Published
Hip-Hop Lyrics
ASCAP (member#1682692).

Lyrics Available/Samples of my writing
Lovin' one like you (genre Hard Rock)
Bisexual Lust (for female vocalist, comedy/punk)
Punk Agressive Lyrics (Do not read if offendable)
Humorous Verse and another Parody
Country Music Lyrics for Female Vocalists
Country Music Lyrics for Male Vocalists

Ode to David Dickinson (Bargain Hunt Ballad)
Ode to a Toad
My Life (after the SirCam32.exe virus)
Recycled Spontaneous
First sights...last rites
before and after
To a teacher who'd thought she'd heard everything...
Paradoxical Pantoum
Dozen Cousins
Just as Plain as Mary Jane
Seance of the Soles
Two Men Dead
Environmentally Conscious Poetry From A Nuclear Power Supporter
Fear & Horror
Homelessness, Domestic Violence, AIDS and Racism
Alcoholism, Values, The Suffering of Friends
Miscellaneous Poetry

All works (c) 1995-2005 on these web pages as well as their respective copyrights.

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