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Hotcat's Transgendered Manor

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Here is where you can find Millissa 'Hotcat' dePeblys.
I am 41 years old. I have been crossdressing secretly since I was 10. In the last few years I have been studying my fem side.
Something I have suppressed most of my life. Here on these pages you can see what I am learning about this amazing part of me. I also like hearing from others about what they have learned about themselves.
I'm a truck driver and would love to meet other transgendered truckers and would love to meet any Lady truckers that enjoy being with a transvestites. My over the road e-mail is millicd@hotmail.com

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I have ICQ. My nick is Milli-CD and my UIN is 3072101.

Do you know of any great vampire sites, or where I can find some great
clip-art of vampires, then E-mail me at

© 1997 millicd@hotmail.com

Read my story about a transexual Vampire and my poetry

Kiss the lips to learn more about me.

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