Updates! 8/26

Hey, I got a new pic of the cover of Terry S. Taylor's new 2-CD combination of the 'Hood, SM, and Boombots tunes, Imaginarium, and a pic of the Neverhood and Skullmonkeys title.  Check out various parts of the site (SM page!) to see where each is located.  Also, I've added a link for you to order the Imaginarium CD from www.danielamos.com, and I added a link to the 'Hood Webring, and deleted Quee's link since it's been dormant for three months.  Start sending ideas!!!

The bird on your left is Bob the GlideyBird.

Erm... Hello!  Me Will... me Hoop Man Will!  I am the Hoop-Head from the Neverhood and am Klaymen's best pal and cuz... here's my story of the Neverhood....  Oh yeah, I'm not as evil as my pic to the upper-left may make me seem...

Note: I'd like to thank Doodles for allowing me to cover my page with her wonderful drawings, most of which can be found on her webpage at www.crosswinds.net/~doo .

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(Now up!)

Family Scrapbook Page 2

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Boombots (Now up!)

Wanna e-mail me?  Here ya go...  devilsfan16@home.com

people like to eat beans!