~Thoughts, Or Something Like Them~
I'm not a writer, nor have I ever claimed to be and I'm sure that you'll see for yourself if you read this page. *laughing* These are just some of the things that run through my brain (yes, I have one) so I thought I would share. I hope it makes you think, or smile, or cry; any emotion will work for me. :)
June 23, 1998
We had a really bad storm here on Saturday; lots of wind and rain. My family and I went out to inspect the damage. Several electrical transformers blew up and we saw a man from the power board walking down the railroad track to one of the power poles. There, just a few feet behind him was a small puppy, sitting there on the tracks, shivering.
My daughter couldn't believe that the man would just walk on by, leaving the puppy there, alone and cold. She wanted to pick it up and bring it home but because we live in an apartment she knew that we couldn't keep it.
I felt so sad. I wondered at what point in my life did I lose that childhood innocence. I remember "saving" every creature that I possibly could; kittys, bugs, ants, didn't matter. So what happened? When did that all change?. My husband said that it's because we learn responsibility. Responsibility? Shouldn't it BE our responsibility? How could we pass up a puppy who was probably terrified after going through such a horrible storm alone? He had those little sad eyes, too. How could we pass up the genuine article: sad puppy dog eyes? Maybe I am just making a mountain out of a mole hill (God knows I often do) but is that where it starts? We lose compassion for things that we loved dearly as children. Does it start there? Eventually do we lose compassion for our fellow man? I think we all know the answer to that one, don't we?
I do not like this part of adulthood; AND I decided that day that I'm not going to accept that part of it. My daughter and I went back and found the puppy, still shivering, still on the tracks. We brought him home, got him a nice warm blanket and gave him some kitty food because we didn't have any dog food (all the stores were closed because there was no power in the city) and let him sleep in the hall. The next morning I got up early and called the local shelter, & luckily they were open briefly while they fed the animals. We took the puppy to the shelter and they vowed to call us if they could not find a home for him.
I felt so much better about myself and the best part is that my Mommy Ratings went through the roof. I may just be a huge sap, but I can tell you, friends, that day sparked something in my soul that I thought was lost: compassion. Thank God I have my children to remind me what life really should be about.
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