Thanks for coming aboard
Watch your step!,Grab A
It may take a while to load this vessel.
We appreciate your patience
We haven`t decided our next port of call yet.
We have some cleaning to do to prepare for the 2006 season..
Thats what`s great about this internet world
you can go and do anything you want.
Let us introduce ourselves,
I am Gail also known here as Flowers
this is Bob also known as Thumper.
We will married 35yrs on July 4th.
We have two kids,Sean,our son is 37.
Melanie, our daughter is 32 and on FEB 15,2000
at 1:30pm she gave birth to our first GRANDCHILD
weighing in at 8lbs 9oz,21inch long.His name is
Darian Robert SpencerWho is 6 now and just started 1st Grade They all lived in the Florida Keys Melanie and Darian now live in their own house in MA.
We had a beagle named Sasha for 13 years,but had to put her down.:((but have since gotton another Beagle named Leo
We are just good old down to earth folks.
No bells or whistles as they say.
When we visited our daughter(who now lives in Ma) in the Florida Keys.
We just fell in love with the blue/green water
It is a fisherman`s and fisherwomen`s paradise
Well we won`t bore you any further
Thanks for stopping long enough to read this.
Hope you enjoy your voyage here.. |