Welcome to my Guestbook!

(25) Paul - 12/21/98 01:58:31
My URL:http://oocities.com/southbeach/strand/1707/
My Email:InphamousP@aol.com
Interests: puters, golf, and my latest hobbie...I bought a house
Location: Chicago
Thanks for dropping by my page. You've done a nice job here. Stop by and say hi every now and then. Always have some coffee going.

(24) John - 12/03/98 07:31:42
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/yosemite/geyser/4248
My Email:sentinelbay@oocities.com
Interests: Skiing, hiking, windsurfing,video.
Location: BC Canada
I enjoyed your site JoyLyn. The link to the Black Hills was interesting. The picture of the canoe is very good. (lake or river?)Bye for now, I will check back to see any changes later, John.

(23) Amy - 10/25/98 03:11:58
My URL:http://members.aol.com/spritlife
My Email:Amy71760@aol.com
Interests: Reading, music, writing, tennis
Location: Florida
Cute page - love your graphics and the info you have on the outdoors.

(22) Joylyn Cobb - 10/17/98 23:07:29
My Email:joycobb@netins.net
Interests: sports, reading, computers
Location: Iowa
Hi JoyLyn. I am Joylyn also but have a small l in my name.

(21) Sandra Garrett - 10/09/98 17:07:27
My URL:http://personal.jax.bellsouth.net/jax/b/m/bmoore3/
My Email:northsider@bellsouth.net
Interests: lots of unimportant stuff
Location: Jacksonville, Florida
Nice page. I really enjoyed your photographs especially those of the Black Hills.

(20) Chasity - 10/01/98 15:04:59
My URL:http://members.tripod.com
My Email:ladiebugg@rocketmail.com
Interests: cheerleading, dancing, working on my homepage
Location: Oklahoma
Thanks for signing my book. Your page is cool, even though I'm not much for the outdoors.

(19) Jeri - 09/19/98 00:19:16
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Valley/7117
My Email:jerice63@usa.net
Interests: hiking, biking, camping....anything outdoors, crafts, angels, patriotic things
Location: Harlem, GA
Hiya! Nice site ya got here...wish I could visit the Black Hills Area...maybe one day...*G* Loved your animations. Great Canoeing pic ya have there...bet that was an awesome site to see! Take Care!

(18) Kim ( aka:tumbleweed) - 09/18/98 02:50:41
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Meadows/5947
My Email:tumbleweed63@hotmail.com
Location: WV
Thank you for stopping by my home, you have a very nice place here......Thank you and take care.
Kim (aka: tumbleweed)

(17) ANDREAS - 08/29/98 21:57:08
My URL:http://www.bluelaker.com
My Email:aschmidt@bluelaker.com
Interests: disability issues, friends, cars, cycling
Location: CANADA
Hello JoyLyn, Thank you for stopping and taking the time to say the kind words in my guestbook. I am glad you enjoyed the site and would definitely like to see your worldvision idea once you have it completed! :) Please drop a line when you get it up, ok? Regards!

(16) Melysa - 08/28/98 00:40:51
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/SilCouch/
My Email:SilStellar@aol.com
Interests: reading, writing, traveling...etc
Location: Somewhere
Hey, just wanted to say that I had fun looking at your page. =) My sister likes hiking and stuff so she would be happy to look at this page. Also, thanks for signing my guestbook. Take Care.

(15) Michael & Anette - 08/26/98 21:33:43
My URL:http://w1.1471.telia.com/~u147100170/index.html
My Email:anette.andersen@stenloese.mail.telia.com
Interests: Parrots & Computers
Location: Denmark
Hi there thanks for signing our guestbook. Must say that you have a very funny place, I loved your dancing Girl.

(14) MJ VIGIL - 08/25/98 18:53:00
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Pentagon/Bunker/1664
My Email:mjvigil@yahoo.com
Interests: Fishing, Camping, and Rodeo
Location: 29 Palms,California
I really like your Genie. I am into hiking too, but it is part of my job description. Have fun with your site.

(13) Taz - 08/22/98 02:34:03
My Email:taz@rapidnet.com
Interests: camping and hiking
Location: rapid city sd
You're cool. Love the site! Didn't know you were so tallented. Keep up the good work.

(12) Mo - 08/20/98 10:24:03
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Ranch/1608/
My Email:auntiemo@hotmail.com
Location: Maryland
Hi.. pretty nifty page.. I bookmarked your Black Hills camping places.. one of these days we may get there.. *smiles & Hugs*

(11) Linda - 08/20/98 00:49:55
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Flats/1828
My Email:linda_a1@hotmail.com
Interests: Web Pages
Location: Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
Thanks for visiting my page. Nice site I also love hiking and camping getting a little to old for it now but get out when I can. Good luck and keep up the good work.

(10) Grizzly - 08/19/98 23:12:29
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Lights/3743
My Email:gator@erinet.com
Location: Ohio
Thanks for stopping by and signing my guestbook....you have a great site here and i enjoyed my visit very much. :o)

Uh-oh! No, Java? You have just missed an awesome display! Upgrade to a Java Capable browser soon.
click on picture

(9) Don Merrill - 08/14/98 22:29:06
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~merrydon
My Email:merrydon@mailcity.com
Interests: see my home page
Location: Port Orange Florida
I love looking at all of the home pages and admire the work that goes into making them. If you get a chance please visit my home page and sign my guest book.

(8) Miriam - 08/07/98 10:03:59
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Flats/1826
My Email:manderson@csi.compuserve.com
Interests: bicycling, family life
Location: UK
Thought I would return the favour and visit your site. I love the dancer, she is great.

(7) Laura - 08/05/98 14:31:57
My URL:http://members.aol.com/JstaGirlie/page2.index.html
My Email:JstaGirlie@aol.com
Interests: Hiking, camping, fishing, etc
Location: Graham, WA
JoyLyn- Great page! Always nice to meet someone who loves the outdoors as much as I do! I have a great pic taken on Mt. Rainier on my page if you'd care to take a peek. The view is spectacular! Keep up the great work!

(6) Karen - 08/02/98 01:32:10
My Email:pythagora@digitechs.com
Interests: Quilting, painting
Location: Arkansas
You have a nice site. Thanks for visiting mine and signing the guestbook. Have a great day and Praise the Lord!

(5) Stacey - 08/02/98 00:18:39
My Email:superslt@dock47.com
Interests: i like hiking, canoeing, and oh... i almost forgot, monkeys
Location: rapid city, south dakota
super home page. are you a belly dancer?

(4) Cherub - 08/01/98 00:09:07
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Paris/Metro/8389
My Email:cherub@gvi.net
Interests: computers
Very nice page!*S* Thank you for signing my Midi page site!!

(3) Chris V. Bridges - 07/30/98 23:59:11
My URL:http://home.att.net/~cbridge
My Email:cbridge@worldnet.att.net
Interests: Music Ministry, Computers
Location: Louisville KY
Nice page. Thanks for stopping by my homepage as well!

(2) Judy Duet - 07/29/98 11:22:36
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/BourbonStreet/Bayou/1390
My Email:granny@cajunnet.com
Interests: Computers, children
Location: Louisiana
Very nice page. I used to like camping when I was younger. I miss it.

(1) Bertozman - 07/24/98 18:14:48
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Yosemite/Geyser/1824
Interests: Bicycling, Running & Winter Sports
Location: The Hills
I like what you did with your animations.

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