Coda was born at 3:04 P.M, 
on June 11, 1982, weighing in at 5 lbs. 13 ozs., 
after 13 hours of labor!  I can remember my Mother,
(who had 3 daughters and wanted a son - now 
with 2 grandsons and wanting a granddaughter), 
standing in the maternity recovery room, 
looking at the tiny tightly-wrapped bundle
beside me, (wringing her hands to keep from
touching it!), looking at me and softly 
whispering, “ Do I have my girl?”. 

She was the “apple of her Grandma’s eye”!  
Coda was SO active as a little one and it was all I could 
do to keep up with her. She did not like being dressed 
or confined in any way, was adventurous, outgoing, 
a TOMBOY like her Mom, and full of laughter and mischief!  
We gave her dancing lessons when she was only 4 
to keep her busy, but soon that was not enough, 
so it was on to gymnastics!

She is a championship gymnast and has 
won many awards, including the
 “First Place  All Around USGF Title” 
for the state of Pennsylvania!
(Proud Mama here? You bet!)
 Although gymnastics came quite easily to her
and she advanced almost TOO fast, she worked 
really hard for that honor.  That, of course, was
a few years ago; she has since moved on and 
is now taking acoustic guitar lessons. 
We’ll have to see where THIS leads.....

So now it is on to boys, and maybe a 
little heartbreak for her. (We’ve all been there!)
Sometimes I think  growing up is about the 
most painful experience we go through. You 
have your children, raise them, give them the best 
advice and values you have, and hope and pray
they find their way in this life and live to look 
back and was ALL GOOD!!!

        Personal Info:          
about 115 lbs.
very fair Irish complexion
lots of freckles
reddish-blonde hair
hazel/green eyes
pouty lips 
witty with a touch of sass   
strong personality
and determined to a fault when 
she wants something. 

  Favorite Bands:

Led Zeppelin
The Doors
Black Sabbath
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Days of the New
White Zombie
Coal Chamber
Jimmie's Chicken Shack
Pink Floyd
Jimi Hendrix
Limp Bizkit
Ozzy Osborne

Other Favorites: Vocalist - Jim Morrison Guitarist - Jimmy Page Bassist - Sean Ysuelt Drummer - Vinnie Paul

Movies: Dazed and Confused Biodome The Doors Scream

Hobbies: Guitar (taking lessons) FRIENDS ! PHONE ! Music (the louder the better *S*)
Coda's Pet Peeves (or as she says, "THINGS I HATE"!) Backstabbers Two-faced people Closed-mindedness People who don't know who they are Cheerleader types Rumors Sleepless nights Arrogant authority People who scrape their teeth on silverware Conceitedness Driving with the windows down Bad stereo systems People who sing songs without knowing the correct words

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then on to my "gym stuff" page from there!
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Send email to Mom, at Tommi9 if you have
comments about my pages! Please come back and visit me !
And if you want to send email to me, the addy is Coda

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