Philmont Last Minute Checklist Items
For the plane, bus and base camp (keep all of this out of your pack):
- Complete Class A Uniform (except neckerchief) must be worn while traveling!
- No knives on the plane (put in your backpack)
- clean clothes for base camp & return home (pants, Scout t-shirt, socks, shoes, underpants, etc.)
- copies of CPR/1st Aid certification cards (adults only)
- deodorant and after shave
- duct tape for wrapping your pack for the return trip (adults will bring)
- food for travel on plane and bus (box-type drinks are best)(take small trash bag)
- frequent flyer information (optional)
- gym bag (small) for your personal stuff on the plane and remaining in base camp
- jacket (lightweight, not for the trail)
- luggage tags with your Philmont address (make sure you also put the blue Philmont backpack tag on your pack!) (put your name and Philmont address in your pack also - if it gets lost the airline will deliver it to Philmont when found)
- MARTA cards or tokens
- medication you will need while traveling and on the trail (do not put important medication in your checked luggage - it could get lost!) (check the expiration dates!)
- medical forms (will be carried by your advisor) (Is yours turned in? No form - no trip!)
- money (about $100-125 should be plenty)
- plastic bags (heavy duty for covering backpacks for return trip) (adults will bring)
- playing cards (optional)
- reading material (optional) (bring your 1998 Philmont Guidebook to Adventure)
- tickets (airplane) (adults will bring and hold at all times)
- towel & wash cloth
- travelers checks (optional)
- wallet (picture ID is required for adults) (clean out your wallet before leaving - don’t carry unnecessary items)
- Put your name and expedition # on all personal items -- clothing and gear!
- Do not bring radios, CD or tape players, or other electronic equipment
- Leave your poncho at home. Instead bring a rainsuit.
- No aerosol or glass containers are allowed on the trail
- Hiking sticks are not really needed, but bring it if you normally hike with one
- No bluejeans
- Maximum pack weight without food, water and crew gear - 20 to 30 pounds!
- When you have finished packing, wrap your backpack in heavy duty plastic or plastic bag and then wrap it with duct tape
- Leave part of the frame exposed for a luggage tag and handling at the airport
- All "smellables" should be packed in a separate ditty bag(s) so that these items do not contaminate your clothes and gear. Smellables include: chapstick, medication, toothpaste, sunscreen, scented toilet paper, wipes, snacks, soap, shampoo, first aid items, etc.
- Don’t forget to bring sanitizing gel (Purell) for personal hygiene. It must be used on your hands every time you go to the bathroom, after touching contaminated water and before food preparation. We don’t want anyone to get sick on the trail.
- Put your clothing in zip-loc bags and compress out the air
- Trim your toenails
- Get a haircut (short hair will be easier to deal with on the trail)
- Chaplains must bring "Eagles Soaring High" for trail worship
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