Recent Activities Updated 23/10/98
This is the homepage of the 1st Armadale Venturer Unit we are from Western Australia and are part of Baiyai District
1st Armadale Venturers Honor Roll
For the newcomer Venturers are part of the Scout Association and cater for young adults between the ages of 14 -18. For more information on what Venturers is all about we recommend you visit Scouts Australia by following the link on the left hand side of the page
Expedition Reports UPDATED 23/10/98
The 1st Armadale Venturer Unit takes part in a wide range of activities mainly with an outdoor focus. At present we have 10 Venturers and three Leaders . We are still quite young as far as Units go , we have been fully operational now for nearly three years. In that time we have seen several members link to us from the Scout Troop and we may possibly see the formation of a Rover Crew next year consisting of members who joined our group as Cub Scouts. During our brief history we have seen some of our members attain some top awards from within the world of Venturing . The top award being the Queens Scout Award but also we have had members achieve the Venturer Award which itself takes a big effort and commitment from the individual Venturers. Check out our Honor Roll to see Venturers who have achieved these awards. For more information on these awards we recommend you follow the link on the left hand side of the page.Another highlight of any Venturer Unit are the Expeditions and we have been Fortunate enough to take part in some good ones check out our expeditions page to have a look where we've been recently. Life as a Venturer can be very challenging and exciting , To see what challenges and excitement await the Venturer check out our site which is constantly being upgraded to include new material as our Unit grows in age and experience and we go to more far away places. Also check out our links page for other related sites and some of our favourite places on the web. Follow the links on the left hand side of the page to explore our site
Outdoor Activities UPDATED 14/11/98
The Bushwalking Page New !!
Adventurous Activities Training New !!
Paulas Coooooking Show UPDATED
Photo Gallery
Links Page UPDATED 23/10/98
Our District Badge