Winter in Oregon

Mt. Hood During the winter months, I spend my time and earn my money as a full time ski patroller. This gives me the oppertunity to be active outdoors year round and still afford to live. I have been skiing since the spring of '91 when, realizing that the rock-n-roll band scene wasn't really for me, I decided to get outside and get physical. I had been cross-country skiing for years, and had always thought of lift-serve skiiers as wimps, which I still believe is generally true. But one try and I was hooked. It was so easy and fun, how could I resist? Luckilly, I had a decent job at the time which paid me enough to afford this expensive new addiction. My first year I skied 75 times. I refer to it as a year istead of a winter because I skied every month of it. Four years later I was on ski patrol, had quit my 'real' job and was on my way to the 'bum' lifestyle. Every adventure must begin with a first step... Me

Right now I am earning enough during the winter to afford to take the entire summer off and travel. I am currently the 'hill chief' for the pro patrol at Willamette Pass Ski Area southeast of Eugene, Oregon. It's a small resort, but the freedom, responsibility and people keep me going back. I hope I can continue to do this for a long time- while I've still got some life in me... My patrol

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