Almost Alone Mountain
According to my hiking book, Alone Mountain,  provides a great view of the Comox Glacier.  It is a fairly steep hike but not a very long one. (Get a map at the Tourism B.C. office in Courtenay.) You take the Comox Main Logging Trail to the 17km marker where an old logging road links into the main one.  We started our hike at that point and walked some distance along  looking  for a trail.  On the map, it looked like the trail went out from the Comox Main so we were expecting to find it quite quickly once we started down this small overgrown spur.  Finally we saw an even more over grown logging road that had been blocked off by a bit of a slide.  It was heading up.  The road we were on was heading down.  Since up was the direction we understood we were to go we took the old road to the right.  This is the wrong one.  Later read the TEXT of my hiking book which explained that we were to go to the left and the trail would lead off from there.

So this page is not about Alone Mountain.  It is about some other mountain and some other trail....but a very nice trail and hike it was.

Old logging road.
It was late August but the long dry summer was making the trees
lose their leaves early.
We gained altitude at quite a rate and there were some magnificent views though none of them were of the Comox Glacier.
Two trees hanging off the mountain side.

Not the Comox Glacier.

This hike took about two hours including a stop for lunch.  We will try to find Alone Mountain again next summer.

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