Just 2 normal(???) gals...hehehehe. Don't let appearances fool you
We really are normal.
This all started in the backwoodsof a central state....Awaiting the building of our new home we were forcedto have to stay in 12x12 old milk house in the barn. We had NOrunning water,NO electricity,NO heat.This was in Sept. of 97..new house to be ready sept. 18th...HAHA...NOT!! So we waited and things got bad,stalls up the ying ying..wa-zo whatever!!!We got a generator for power worked good for a month til we SCHMOKED it..hehe..and for heat as thesnow started falling we got a kerosene heater...We didn't even have a BATHROOM...that was outside ,side of the barn, behind a shower curtain,in a MILKCAN,in a hole in the ground!!! Let me tell you.. it was cold ..Our days were sometimes boring....but being artists and singers we amused ourselfs with music...somedays just sharing a bottle of cheer and waking to find a new day LOL Getting water is the whole story here... we had to go across the road into a fallen down springhouse and dip milk jugs in the pit to get water..... which was a high class FROG CONDOMAXIMUM...a family of 18 frogs,,brothers,sisters,kids and grand daddy frogs, aunts and uncles!!! hhehee. The water being cold on our hands we decided to use a hand pump to suckthe water into the jugs... We got alot of muscles doing this .... but we also got silly. One day FROGFIN (and i dont know if this was on purpose) sucked a frog while sucking water.We laffed so hard we cried and almost PEE'D .She pulled it up and it's little legs was just'a'movin'..not moving no where's..just moving.So FROGMUF decided this was fun and we spent several days just trying to suck frogs.
The frogs got smart and saw us when we went down there. The minute we sneaked in the house they was sneaking out thru the cracks and down into the mud . Did you ever suck a mouth -ful of mud???? Thus we became the FROGSUCKERS!(actually FrogFin did ..Frog Muff found it easier at that time to Suck Worms..Did you ever see a worm go airborne at 40 m.p.h.LOL!!!
So...in November of 97 we Offically
became the FrogSuckers U.S.A. We have several new members and about 20
wannabe's.. and I will finish telling you more...but for now we just wanted to get this up and runnin..and don't be surprised if someday you are walking down the street and someone comes up to and gives you a big FROGLICK...hehe is just something we do!!!!
.....Please come back! A Special Thanks to our Grumpy Cameraman ..BUDFROG
© 1997 frogsuckers@hotmail.com
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