Past Hunting Season
1997 and 1998

Heres a black tail doe Jon shot with his Remington 30-06 semi-auto 3x9 scope

Bobdob brings out his deer he shot!

Was a good opening week for the Blyeth Men. Here we have Ronnie's black tail deer and Bobdob's

BobDob's Deer
blacktail 4 point western count
BobDob's mounted deer

Mature Blacktail 4 point(western count)
187lbs Field dressed
taken with a Winchester 243
on the Northfork region of the
Santiam Canyon,Oregon

Dads Mule deer Buck
Taken in The Ochoco Forest of Eastern Oregon

Frank had 2 of his deer mounted
left side is "Henry"a Mule Deer
right side "Ike" is Blacktail Deer

Congratulations (JR)Dad,Ronnie,Jon,Frank,and Bobdob!

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