Treasured Lady's Treasure Chest

aka Lovey Doves Love Nest

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welcome to my treasure chest
My name is Donna,I am 30 years old,5'9",have long blonde hair and green eyes and am soon to be divorced*S* and have two daughters.I can be found in the chathouse as Treasured Lady or Lovey doves.

I live in Missouri and have most of my life *S* I enjoy reading(my favorite authors link is below), poetry,watching movies,listening to music,chatting,cooking,flower gardening and some sports, I am an avid Kansas City Chiefs Fan and love to watch them play, so naturally I am a Raider Hater too *LOL* I am also a true Capricorn *S*

While I have only been chatting for 8 or 9 months, I have met some very interesting people I'll list a few and keep it short, MrMister a sweet,sensitive SC man that I chat with often *S* FantasyFixer a handsome,flirtatious gentleman from NC who is so sweet to me,Big Brass Bed aka Texas Tiger a gorgeous texas man who always keeps his tools handy to make sure my boxes stay in proper working order *LMAO*, brewmeister a wonderful guy from Minnesota who can always make me smile:), MENANDER a sweet man from Canada,doable a seductive sweet talker from Canada, M@xx the sweetest guy in NY who is a great little hugger*S*,~ICEMAN~ a real hottie that is ohhhhhh sooo cool *giggles*,Flannel Shirt my favorite article of clothing *G*,TRAVIS a sweetie pie from nearby *G*,Grendel a sweet,bashful man*smirk*,Wannit my little desk lurker*G*, 3-earnheart a very nice guy from OHIO who looovvvvvesssss racing *L*,Snakeskin Boots quite the sugarbear ,Pakrat32 a great friend and confidant who is always found passin out *bear hugs* in The Wagon Wheel ,bacflip/bakflip an ornery man from California *G*, roadrunner aka BigEyedGirl my real life older sister and dearest friend *S*,Medusa a woman with a great sense of humor and does wonders for our french *l*,Legs a great lady with one hell of a sharp knife *S*,Ladylove a great lady who I love to swap stories with ,pretty little angel eyes a great friend from Canada ,and the list goes on and on REDHot/F,passionMAN,HIPS,Restless Lady, mince bramble,Blue-Eyed-Man,blackcrow,2Dogs,quirkman,Broadway,muddywaters,GRAYWOLF, Snow,lil bit,remme,Tiffaney Rose,ladywildcat,jasper,WARMHEART,Country Cowgirl,Chem Man last but not least I would like to thank DreamStar for all the wonderful pics he came up with for me *KOTC* your a real sweetie *S*, and many more I probably left out,all of you are wonderful people *S*

Hugs to all...

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