Clovis Point by Johnny Maduzia 
By Johnny Maduzia
(Updated 02/02/00)
A massive hard quartz that produces a spark when struck by steel.
To break with a quick blow; especially: to shape(as flints)by breaking off pieces.
Scottsbluff Point by Johnny Maduzia 

The sound that you are hearing in the background is the sound of flintknapping. It is created by a billet striking a piece of stone. This process is known as "percussion flaking".

I became interested in the art of flintknapping after hunting and collecting the artifact's of early man for many years. My curiosity as to how these tool's where made grew with each find that I made. I became obsessed with wanting to learn the process of converting a stone into a replica of an aboriginal piece. This search for lithic knowledge soon became a fascinating and informative hobby, replicating the tool's of early man.

I began flintknapping in 1987 with the late J.B. Sollberger and his group of knapper's in my home state of Texas. Mr. Sollberger was a gentleman and a scholar and a walking book of knowledge on archaeology and flintknapping. This group turned out such famous knapper's as Woody Blackwell and Dwain Rogers, both considered to be master knapper's.

It is through archaeological finds and learning the skill's of early man that we can add to our knowledge of the stages of human progress. Through this knowledge we can erect a"Scaffold of Light" upon the past.

So welcome to my home page! Browse through it, view the photograph's and read the information. I do hope that you enjoy your visit, should you have any questions e-mail me and I will try to answer them.

Photograph's of My Work
Tip's for Beginning Knapper's

Other Flintknapping Related Sites
Knapper's Anonymous
Knapper's Corner
Lithics-Net Point Information
The History and Primitive Technology Page
Folsom Replication Workshop
Bob Thompson's Homepage
The Tarp(A Daily Flintknapping Related Digest)

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