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Online Services 
We offer counselling for clients outside London via:
  • Email counselling 
  • Chatline counselling 
  • Telephone counselling 
  • Long distance Counselling

This web site offers an alternative avenue to explore
and discover areas of your life that may benefit from change. 

The scope of the long distance service here is limited by
the nature of the relationship between client and counsellor. 
Although it is possible to establish a certain degree of rapport 
on the Net, liaising by computer is no substitute for the support
and special relationship that is possible to generate 
from personal contact.

However, busy lives often don't allow space for the luxury 
of visiting a counsellor personally. 

On the other hand, you may believe that everything is OK
in your world - except for a certain feeling that infiltrates into
your awareness every now and then. 

Help is available here and now in the privacy and convenience
of your own home or office and can open the doors to further
expansion by creating awareness. 

This can be achieved using any one of several avenues,
including the use of online questionnaires available through 
this  site for a very modest fee.

 Email Counselling

Email counselling is convenient. 
You can send the email whenever you feel like it
and read the reply whenever you need to. 
Currently clients can pay a weekly rate of £40 ($64) 
and then send as many emails as they like, at whatever time, 
and we will try to answer them promptly.
Otherwise the charge is £8 ($12) per email.
CLICK to send your email.

Please send a cheque to the address below.

Chatline Counselling

We offer real quality time online to people who need 
more immediate response  to their problems.
We charge £15 ($24) US for 30 minutes for Chat line. 
For details of email and chat line write to us.

Telephone Counselling

Telephone counselling is more personal than email 
in that you can here our voice and I am there listening 
as you speak. 
A session lasts 30 min and the cost is £15.00 ($24) US. 
You may book an appointment through email.

How to make Payment:

Once we have received your application and agreed
to go ahead with counselling, we will send you
instructions on how to make your payment .

For initial consultation call us in the UK: (44 +)
Alex: 0795 758 6656   Fulham, Richmond
 write to us !

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 Copyright © 2000    Alex at a2z Counselling